from import redlich_kister import numpy as np import itertools def _fit_cs_rk_parameters(cs_rk_parameters): """ Make a polynomial fit of Redlich-Kister parameters on the stereographic projection of the 1BZ of FCC. """ A = [] y = [] for orientation, parameters in cs_rk_parameters.items(): projection = _get_projection(orientation) A.append(_get_xy_vector(*projection)) y.append(parameters) rk_fit, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y, rcond=None) return rk_fit def _get_projection(orientation): """ Stereographic projection of the orientation of an interface. Assumes cubic symmetry. """ orientation = np.array(sorted(np.abs(orientation))) orientation = orientation / np.linalg.norm(orientation) return orientation[:2] def _get_xy_vector(x, y, deg=2): """ 2D polynomial of degree `deg` """ vector = [] for i, j in itertools.product(range(deg + 1), repeat=2): if i + j > deg: continue vector.append(x**i * y**j) return vector def _k_to_parameter_function(k, cs_fitted_rk_parameters): """ Calculate strain energy at a specific concentration and k point using constitutent_strain_functions as fitted with _fit_cs_parameters. """ projection = _get_projection(k) vector = _get_xy_vector(*projection) parameters =, cs_fitted_rk_parameters) return parameters def custom_k_to_parameter_function(k): """ Create function that precomputes Redlich-Kister parameters for a specific k point. """ # Read Redlich-Kister parameters for constituent strain cs_data = np.loadtxt('') cs_rk_parameters = {} for row in cs_data: cs_rk_parameters[tuple(int(i) for i in row[:3])] = row[3:] cs_fitted_rk_parameters = _fit_cs_rk_parameters(cs_rk_parameters) # Define function f = _k_to_parameter_function(k, cs_fitted_rk_parameters) return f def custom_strain_energy_function(parameters, c): """ Create function that takes Redlich-Kister parameters and concentration and returns corresponding strain energy. """ return redlich_kister(c, *parameters)