Source code for

import numpy as np
import spglib
from typing import List, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar
from ase import Atoms
from import chemical_symbols
from icet.core.lattice_site import LatticeSite
from icet.core.structure import Structure

Vector = List[float]
T = TypeVar('T')

def get_scaled_positions(positions: np.ndarray,
                         cell: np.ndarray,
                         wrap: bool = True,
                         pbc: List[bool] = [True, True, True]) -> np.ndarray:
    Returns the positions in reduced (or scaled) coordinates.

        Atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates.
        Cell metric.
        If ``True`` positions outside the unit cell will be wrapped into
        the cell in the directions with periodic boundary conditions
        such that the scaled coordinates are between zero and one.
        Periodic boundary conditions.

    fractional = np.linalg.solve(cell.T, positions.T).T

    if wrap:
        for i, periodic in enumerate(pbc):
            if periodic:
                # Yes, we need to do it twice.
                # See the test.
                fractional[:, i] %= 1.0
                fractional[:, i] %= 1.0

    return fractional

[docs] def get_primitive_structure(structure: Atoms, no_idealize: bool = True, to_primitive: bool = True, symprec: float = 1e-5) -> Atoms: """ Returns the primitive structure using spglib. Parameters ---------- structure Input atomic structure. no_idealize If ``True`` lengths and angles are not idealized. to_primitive If ``True`` convert to primitive structure. symprec Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. """ structure_copy = structure.copy() structure_as_tuple = ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell(structure_copy) ret = spglib.standardize_cell( structure_as_tuple, to_primitive=to_primitive, no_idealize=no_idealize, symprec=symprec) if ret is None: raise ValueError('spglib failed to find the primitive cell, maybe caused by large symprec.') lattice, scaled_positions, numbers = ret scaled_positions = [np.round(pos, 12) for pos in scaled_positions] structure_prim = Atoms(scaled_positions=scaled_positions, numbers=numbers, cell=lattice, pbc=structure.pbc) structure_prim.wrap() return structure_prim
def get_fractional_positions_from_neighbor_list( structure: Structure, neighbor_list: List) -> List[Vector]: """ Returns the fractional positions of the lattice sites in structure from a neighbor list. Parameters ---------- structure Input atomic structure. neighbor_list List of lattice neighbors of the input structure. """ neighbor_positions = [] fractional_positions = [] lattice_site = LatticeSite(0, [0, 0, 0]) for i in range(len(neighbor_list)): lattice_site.index = i position = structure.get_position(lattice_site) neighbor_positions.append(position) for neighbor in neighbor_list[i]: position = structure.get_position(neighbor) neighbor_positions.append(position) if len(neighbor_positions) > 0: fractional_positions = get_scaled_positions( np.array(neighbor_positions), structure.cell, wrap=False, pbc=structure.pbc) return fractional_positions def get_position_from_lattice_site(structure: Atoms, lattice_site: LatticeSite): """ Returns the corresponding position from the lattice site. Parameters --------- structure Input atomic structure. lattice_site Specific lattice site of the input structure. """ return structure[lattice_site.index].position + \, structure.cell) def fractional_to_cartesian(structure: Atoms, frac_positions: List[Vector]) -> np.ndarray: """ Converts fractional positions into Cartesian positions. Parameters ---------- structure Input atomic structure. frac_positions Fractional positions. """ return, structure.cell) def get_permutation(container: Sequence[T], permutation: List[int]) -> Sequence[T]: """ Returns the permuted version of container. """ if len(permutation) != len(container): raise RuntimeError('Container and permutation not of same size.' f'{len(container)} != {len(permutation)}') if len(set(permutation)) != len(permutation): raise Exception return [container[s] for s in permutation] def ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell(structure: Atoms) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Returns a tuple comprising three components, corresponding to cell metric, atomic positions, and atomic species. Parameters ---------- structure Input atomic structure. """ return (structure.cell, structure.get_scaled_positions(), structure.get_atomic_numbers()) def get_occupied_primitive_structure(structure: Atoms, allowed_species: List[List[str]], symprec: float) -> Tuple[Atoms, List[Tuple[str, ...]]]: """Returns an occupied primitive structure with hydrogen on sublattice 1, Helium on sublattice 2 and so on Parameters ---------- structure Input structure. allowed_species Chemical symbols that are allowed on each site. symprec Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. """ if len(structure) != len(allowed_species): raise ValueError( 'structure and chemical symbols need to be the same size.') sorted_symbols = sorted({tuple(sorted(s)) for s in allowed_species}) decorated_primitive = structure.copy() for i, sym in enumerate(allowed_species): sublattice = sorted_symbols.index(tuple(sorted(sym))) + 1 decorated_primitive[i].symbol = chemical_symbols[sublattice] decorated_primitive = get_primitive_structure(decorated_primitive, symprec=symprec) decorated_primitive.wrap() primitive_chemical_symbols: List[Tuple[str, ...]] = [] for atom in decorated_primitive: sublattice = chemical_symbols.index(atom.symbol) primitive_chemical_symbols.append(sorted_symbols[sublattice - 1]) for symbols in allowed_species: if tuple(sorted(symbols)) in primitive_chemical_symbols: index = primitive_chemical_symbols.index(tuple(sorted(symbols))) primitive_chemical_symbols[index] = symbols return decorated_primitive, primitive_chemical_symbols def atomic_number_to_chemical_symbol(numbers: List[int]) -> List[str]: """Returns the chemical symbols equivalent to the input atomic numbers. Parameters ---------- numbers Atomic numbers. """ symbols = [chemical_symbols[number] for number in numbers] return symbols def chemical_symbols_to_numbers(symbols: List[str]) -> List[int]: """Returns the atomic numbers equivalent to the input chemical symbols. Parameters ---------- symbols Chemical symbols. """ numbers = [chemical_symbols.index(symbols) for symbols in symbols] return numbers
[docs] def get_wyckoff_sites(structure: Atoms, map_occupations: List[List[str]] = None, symprec: float = 1e-5) -> List[str]: """Returns the Wyckoff symbols of the input structure. The Wyckoff sites are of general interest for symmetry analysis but can be especially useful when setting up, e.g., a :class:`SiteOccupancyObserver <mchammer.observers.SiteOccupancyObserver>`. The Wyckoff labels can be conveniently attached as an array to the structure object as demonstrated in the examples section below. By default the occupation of the sites is part of the symmetry analysis. If a chemically disordered structure is provided this will usually reduce the symmetry substantially. If one is interested in the symmetry of the underlying structure one can control how occupations are handled. To this end, one can provide the :attr:`map_occupations` keyword argument. The latter must be a list, each entry of which is a list of species that should be treated as indistinguishable. As a shortcut, if *all* species should be treated as indistinguishable one can provide an empty list. Examples that illustrate the usage of the keyword are given below. Parameters ---------- structure Input structure. Note that the occupation of the sites is included in the symmetry analysis. map_occupations Each sublist in this list specifies a group of chemical species that shall be treated as indistinguishable for the purpose of the symmetry analysis. symprec Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. Examples -------- Wyckoff sites of a hexagonal-close packed structure:: >>> from import bulk >>> structure = bulk('Ti') >>> wyckoff_sites = get_wyckoff_sites(structure) >>> print(wyckoff_sites) ['2d', '2d'] The Wyckoff labels can also be attached as an array to the structure, in which case the information is also included when storing the Atoms object:: >>> from import write >>> structure.new_array('wyckoff_sites', wyckoff_sites, str) >>> write('', structure) The function can also be applied to supercells:: >>> structure = bulk('GaAs', crystalstructure='zincblende', a=3.0).repeat(2) >>> wyckoff_sites = get_wyckoff_sites(structure) >>> print(wyckoff_sites) ['4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c'] Now assume that one is given a supercell of a (Ga,Al)As alloy. Applying the function directly yields much lower symmetry since the symmetry of the original structure is broken:: >>> structure.set_chemical_symbols( ... ['Ga', 'As', 'Al', 'As', 'Ga', 'As', 'Al', 'As', ... 'Ga', 'As', 'Ga', 'As', 'Al', 'As', 'Ga', 'As']) >>> print(get_wyckoff_sites(structure)) ['8g', '8i', '4e', '8i', '8g', '8i', '2c', '8i', '2d', '8i', '8g', '8i', '4e', '8i', '8g', '8i'] Since Ga and Al occupy the same sublattice, they should, however, be treated as indistinguishable for the purpose of the symmetry analysis, which can be achieved via the :attr:`map_occupations` keyword:: >>> print(get_wyckoff_sites(structure, map_occupations=[['Ga', 'Al'], ['As']])) ['4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c', '4a', '4c'] If occupations are to ignored entirely, one can simply provide an empty list. In the present case, this turns the zincblende lattice into a diamond lattice, on which case there is only one Wyckoff site:: >>> print(get_wyckoff_sites(structure, map_occupations=[])) ['8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a', '8a'] """ structure_copy = structure.copy() if map_occupations is not None: if len(map_occupations) > 0: new_symbols = [] for symb in structure_copy.get_chemical_symbols(): for group in map_occupations: if symb in group: new_symbols.append(group[0]) break else: new_symbols = len(structure) * ['H'] structure_copy.set_chemical_symbols(new_symbols) dataset = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell(structure_copy), symprec=symprec) n_unitcells = np.linalg.det(dataset['transformation_matrix']) equivalent_atoms = list(dataset['equivalent_atoms']) wyckoffs = {} for index in set(equivalent_atoms): multiplicity = list(dataset['equivalent_atoms']).count(index) / n_unitcells multiplicity = int(round(multiplicity)) wyckoffs[index] = '{}{}'.format(multiplicity, dataset['wyckoffs'][index]) return [wyckoffs[equivalent_atoms[a.index]] for a in structure_copy]