Source code for mchammer.data_analysis

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import stats

[docs] def analyze_data(data: np.ndarray, max_lag: int = None) -> dict: """Carries out an extensive analysis of the data series and returns a dictionary containing the mean, standard deviation, correlation length and a 95% error estimate. Parameters ---------- data Data series for which to compute autocorrelation function. max_lag Maximum lag between two data points used for computing autocorrelation. """ summary = dict(mean=data.mean(), std=data.std()) acf = get_autocorrelation_function(data, max_lag) correlation_length = _estimate_correlation_length_from_acf(acf) if correlation_length is not None: error_estimate = _estimate_error(data, correlation_length, confidence=0.95) summary['correlation_length'] = correlation_length summary['error_estimate'] = error_estimate else: summary['correlation_length'] = np.nan summary['error_estimate'] = np.nan return summary
[docs] def get_autocorrelation_function(data: np.ndarray, max_lag: int = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns autocorrelation function. The autocorrelation function is computed using :func:`pandas.Series.autocorr <>`. Parameters ---------- data Data series for which to compute autocorrelation function. max_lag Maximum lag between two data points. """ if max_lag is None: max_lag = len(data) - 1 if max_lag < 1 or max_lag >= len(data): raise ValueError('max_lag should be between 1 and len(data)-1.') series = pd.Series(data) acf = [series.autocorr(lag) for lag in range(0, max_lag)] return np.array(acf)
[docs] def get_correlation_length(data: np.ndarray) -> Optional[int]: r"""Returns estimate of the correlation length of data. The correlation length is taken as the first point where the autocorrelation functions is less than :math:`\exp(-2)`. If the correlation function never drops below :math:`\exp(-2)` ``np.nan`` is returned. If the correlation length cannot be computed since the autocorrelation function is unconverged the function returns ``None``. Parameters ---------- data Data series for which to the compute autocorrelation function. """ acf = get_autocorrelation_function(data) correlation_length = _estimate_correlation_length_from_acf(acf) if correlation_length is None: return None return correlation_length
[docs] def get_error_estimate(data: np.ndarray, confidence: float = 0.95) -> Optional[float]: r"""Returns estimate of standard error :math:`\mathrm{error}` with confidence interval via .. math:: \mathrm{error} = t_\mathrm{factor} * \mathrm{std}(\mathrm{data}) / \sqrt{N_s} where :math:`t_\mathrm{factor}` is the factor corresponding to the confidence interval and :math:`N_s` is the number of independent measurements (with correlation taken into account). If the correlation length cannot be computed since the autocorrelation function is unconverged the function returns ``None``. Parameters ---------- data Eata series for which to estimate the error. """ correlation_length = get_correlation_length(data) if correlation_length is None: return None error_estimate = _estimate_error(data, correlation_length, confidence) return error_estimate
def _estimate_correlation_length_from_acf(acf: np.ndarray) -> Optional[int]: """Estimates correlation length from :attr:`acf`. Returns ``None`` if the autocorrelation function is uncoverged. """ for i, a in enumerate(acf): if a < np.exp(-2): return i return None # np.nan def _estimate_error(data: np.ndarray, correlation_length: int, confidence: float) -> float: """ Estimates error using correlation length. """ t_factor: float = stats.t.ppf((1 + confidence) / 2, len(data) - 1) error: float = t_factor * np.std(data) / np.sqrt(len(data) / correlation_length) return error