Source code for mchammer.ensembles.hybrid_ensemble

import random
from typing import Dict, List, Any

from math import isclose

from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import kB
from import atomic_numbers, chemical_symbols

from .. import DataContainer
from ..calculators.base_calculator import BaseCalculator
from .thermodynamic_base_ensemble import ThermodynamicBaseEnsemble
from .vcsgc_ensemble import get_phis
from .semi_grand_canonical_ensemble import get_chemical_potentials

[docs] class HybridEnsemble(ThermodynamicBaseEnsemble): r""" Instances of this class allows one to combine multiple ensembles. In particular, a dictionary should be provided for each ensemble, which must include the type (:attr:`ensemble`) as well as the index of the sublattice (:attr:`sublattice_index`). In addition, it is possible to provide lists of allowed symbols (:attr:`allowed_symbols`) and site indices (:attr:`allowed_sites`) for the trial steps. Here the allowed symbols must represent a subset of the elements that can occupy the sites on the specified sublattice. Note that additional arguments are required for the SGC and VCSGC ensembles, namely chemical potentials (:attr:`chemical_potentials`) for the former and constraint parameters (:attr:`phis` and :attr:`kappa`) for the latter. For more detailed information regarding the different ensembles, please see :class:`CanonicalEnsemble <mchammer.ensembles.CanonicalEnsemble>`, :class:`SemiGrandCanonicalEnsemble <mchammer.ensembles.SemiGrandCanonicalEnsemble>`, and :class:`VCSGCEnsemble <mchammer.ensembles.VCSGCEnsemble>`. This class is particularly useful for effectively sampling complex multi-component systems with several active sublattices, in which case different ensembles can be defined for each of the latter. The fact that it is possible to set the allowed chemical symbols means that one can vary the concentrations of a few selected species, with the help of a VCSGC or semi-grand canonical ensemble, while still allowing swaps between any two sites, using a canonical ensemble (see also the below example). It is advisable to carefully consider how to define the ensemble probabilities. By default the ensembles are weighted by the sizes of the corresponding sublattices, which should give suitable probabilities in most cases. As is shown in the example below, it might be prudent to provide different values if allowed symbols are provided as well as for cases where there are several ensembles that are active on different sublattices. Parameters ---------- structure Atomic configuration to be used in the Monte Carlo simulation; also defines the initial occupation vector. calculator Calculator to be used for calculating the potential changes that enter the evaluation of the Metropolis criterion. temperature Temperature :math:`T` in appropriate units, commonly Kelvin. ensemble_specs A list of dictionaries, which should contain the following items: * :attr:`ensemble`: Can be either ``'vcsgc'``, ``'semi-grand'`` or ``'canonical'``, lowercase and uppercase letters or any combination thereof are accepted (required). * :attr:`sublattice_index`: Index for the sublattice of interest (required). * :attr:`allowed_symbols`: List of allowed chemical symbols. Default: read from :class:`ClusterSpace`. * :attr:`allowed_sites`: List of allowed sites. Default: all sites. * :attr:`chemical_potentials`: Dictionary of chemical potentials for each species :math:`\mu_i`. The key denotes the species, the value specifies the chemical potential in units that are consistent with the underlying cluster expansion. Only applicable and required for SGC ensembles. * :attr:`phis`: Dictionary with average constraint parameters :math:`\phi_i`. The key denotes the species. For a :math:`N`-component sublattice, there should be :math:`N - 1` different :math:`\phi_i` (referred to as :math:`\bar{\phi}` in [SadErh12]_). Only applicable and required for VCSGC ensembles. * :attr:`kappa`: Parameter that constrains the variance of the concentration (referred to as :math:`\bar{\kappa}` in [SadErh12]_). Only applicable and required for VCSGC ensembles. probabilities Probabilities for choosing a particular ensemble with the same length as ensemble specs. If left unspecified the probabilties are scaled to match the sizes of the associated sublattices. boltzmann_constant Boltzmann constant :math:`k_B` in appropriate units, i.e., units that are consistent with the underlying cluster expansion and the temperature units. Default: eV/K. user_tag Human-readable tag for ensemble. Default: ``None``. random_seed Seed for the random number generator used in the Monte Carlo simulation. dc_filename Name of file the data container associated with the ensemble will be written to. If the file exists it will be read, the data container will be appended, and the file will be updated/overwritten. data_container_write_period Period in units of seconds at which the data container is written to file. Writing periodically to file provides both a way to examine the progress of the simulation and to back up the data. Default: 600 s. ensemble_data_write_interval Interval at which data is written to the data container. This includes for example the current value of the calculator (i.e., usually the energy) as well as ensembles specific fields such as temperature or the number of atoms of different species. Default: Number of sites in the :attr:`structure`. trajectory_write_interval Interval at which the current occupation vector of the atomic configuration is written to the data container. Default: Number of sites in the :attr:`structure`. Example ------- The following snippet illustrates how to carry out a simple Monte Carlo simulation using a combination of one canonical and one VCSGC ensemble. Specifically, the concentration of one species (Au) is kept constant while the others (Ag and Pd) are varied, while swaps are still allowed. Here, the parameters of the cluster expansion are set to emulate a simple Ising model in order to obtain an example that can be run without modification. In practice, one should of course use a proper cluster expansion:: >>> from import bulk >>> from icet import ClusterExpansion, ClusterSpace >>> from mchammer.calculators import ClusterExpansionCalculator >>> # prepare cluster expansion >>> # the setup emulates a second nearest-neighbor (NN) Ising model >>> # (zerolet and singlet ECIs are zero; only first and second neighbor >>> # pairs are included) >>> prim = bulk('Au') >>> cs = ClusterSpace(prim, cutoffs=[4.3], ... chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au', 'Pd']) >>> ce = ClusterExpansion( ... cs, [0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, -0.02, -0.02, -0.02]) >>> # define structure object >>> structure = prim.repeat(3) >>> for i, atom in enumerate(structure): >>> if i % 2 == 0: >>> atom.symbol = 'Ag' >>> elif i % 3 == 0: >>> atom.symbol = 'Pd' >>> # the default probabilities for this case would be [0.5, 0.5], but >>> # since the VCSGC ensemble only performs flips on a subset of all >>> # sites on the sublattice, namely those originally occupied by Ag >>> # and Pd atoms, specific values will be provided >>> weights = [len(structure), ... len([s for s in structure.get_chemical_symbols() if s != 'Au'])] >>> norm = sum(weights) >>> probabilities = [w / norm for w in weights] >>> # set up and run MC simulation >>> calc = ClusterExpansionCalculator(structure, ce) >>> ensemble_specs = [ ... {'ensemble': 'canonical', 'sublattice_index': 0}, ... {'ensemble': 'vcsgc', 'sublattice_index': 0, ... 'phis': {'Ag': -0.2}, 'kappa': 200, ... 'allowed_symbols':['Ag', 'Pd']}] >>> mc = HybridEnsemble(structure=structure, calculator=calc, ... ensemble_specs=ensemble_specs, ... temperature=600, probabilities=probabilities, ... dc_filename='myrun_hybrid.dc') >>> # carry out 100 trial steps """ def __init__(self, structure: Atoms, calculator: BaseCalculator, temperature: float, ensemble_specs: List[Dict], probabilities: List[float] = None, boltzmann_constant: float = kB, user_tag: str = None, random_seed: int = None, dc_filename: str = None, data_container: str = None, data_container_write_period: float = 600, ensemble_data_write_interval: int = None, trajectory_write_interval: int = None) -> None: # define available ensembles self._ensemble_trial_steps = dict([ ('canonical', self.do_canonical_swap), ('semi-grand', self.do_sgc_flip), ('vcsgc', self.do_vcsgc_flip), ]) self._ensemble_parameters = dict(temperature=temperature) self._trial_steps_per_ensemble = {'ensemble_{}'.format(i): 0 for i in range(len(ensemble_specs))} # process the list of ensembles and parameters self._process_ensemble_specs(ensemble_specs) super().__init__( structure=structure, calculator=calculator, user_tag=user_tag, random_seed=random_seed, boltzmann_constant=boltzmann_constant, dc_filename=dc_filename, data_container=data_container, data_container_class=DataContainer, data_container_write_period=data_container_write_period, ensemble_data_write_interval=ensemble_data_write_interval, trajectory_write_interval=trajectory_write_interval) # postprocess the list of ensembles and parameters self._postprocess_ensemble_args() # set the probabilities self._process_probabilities(probabilities) @property def temperature(self) -> float: """ Current temperature. """ return self._ensemble_parameters['temperature'] @property def probabilities(self) -> List[float]: """ Ensemble propabilities. """ return self._probabilities @property def trial_steps_per_ensemble(self) -> Dict[str, int]: """ Number of Monte Carlo trial steps for each ensemble. """ return self._trial_steps_per_ensemble def _process_ensemble_specs(self, ensemble_specs: List[Dict]) -> None: r"""Process the list of ensembles and parameters. Parameters ---------- ensemble_specs: List[Dict] A list of dictionaries, which should contain the following items: * 'ensemble', which could be either 'vcsgc'; 'semi-grand' or 'canonical', lowercase and upercase letters or any combination thereof are accepted * 'sublattice_index', index for the sublattice of interest * 'allowed_symbols', list of allowed chemical symbols * 'allowed_sites', list of indices of allowed sites * 'chemical_potentials', a dictionary of chemical potentials for each species :math:`\mu_i`; the key denotes the species, the value specifies the chemical potential in units that are consistent with the underlying cluster expansion * 'phis ', dictionary with average constraint parameters :math:`\phi_i`; the key denotes the species; for a N-component sublattice, there should be N-1 different `\phi_i` * 'kappa', parameter that constrains the variance of the concentration """ ensemble_args = [] for ind, ensemble_spec in enumerate(ensemble_specs): ensemble_arg: Dict[str, Any] = {} tag = f'ensemble_{ind}' ensemble_arg['tag'] = tag # check the ensemble name if 'ensemble' not in ensemble_spec: raise ValueError( f"The dictionary {ensemble_spec} lacks the required key 'ensemble'") ensemble = ensemble_spec['ensemble'].lower() if ensemble not in self._ensemble_trial_steps.keys(): msg = ['Ensemble not available'] msg += ['Please choose one of the following:'] for key in self._ensemble_trial_steps.keys(): msg += [' * ' + key] raise ValueError('\n'.join(msg)) ensemble_arg['ensemble'] = ensemble self._ensemble_parameters[tag] = ensemble # check that all required keys, and no unknown keys, are present keys = ['ensemble', 'sublattice_index', 'allowed_symbols', 'allowed_sites'] if ensemble == 'semi-grand': keys = ['chemical_potentials'] + keys elif ensemble == 'vcsgc': keys = ['phis', 'kappa'] + keys for key in keys[:-2]: if key not in ensemble_spec: raise ValueError(f"The dictionary {ensemble_spec} lacks the key '{key}'," f' which is required for {ensemble} ensembles') for key in ensemble_spec.keys(): if key not in keys: raise ValueError(f"Unknown key '{key}', for a {ensemble} ensemble," f' in the dictionary {ensemble_spec}') # record the sublattice index ensemble_arg['sublattice_index'] = ensemble_spec['sublattice_index'] # process chemical potentials if 'chemical_potentials' in ensemble_spec: chemical_potentials = get_chemical_potentials(ensemble_spec['chemical_potentials']) ensemble_arg['chemical_potentials'] = chemical_potentials for atnum, chempot in chemical_potentials.items(): mu_sym = '{}_mu_{}'.format(tag, chemical_symbols[atnum]) self._ensemble_parameters[mu_sym] = chempot # process phis if 'phis' in ensemble_spec: phis = get_phis(ensemble_spec['phis']) ensemble_arg['phis'] = phis for sym, phi in phis.items(): if isinstance(sym, str): chemical_symbol = sym else: chemical_symbol = chemical_symbols[sym] phi_sym = '{}_phi_{}'.format(tag, chemical_symbol) self._ensemble_parameters[phi_sym] = phi # process kappa if 'kappa' in ensemble_spec: ensemble_arg['kappa'] = ensemble_spec['kappa'] self._ensemble_parameters['{}_kappa'.format(tag)] = ensemble_spec['kappa'] # record the allowed chemical symbols if 'allowed_symbols' in ensemble_spec: ensemble_arg['allowed_symbols'] = ensemble_spec['allowed_symbols'] # record the allowed sites if 'allowed_sites' in ensemble_spec: ensemble_arg['allowed_sites'] = ensemble_spec['allowed_sites'] ensemble_args.append(ensemble_arg) self._ensemble_args = ensemble_args def _postprocess_ensemble_args(self): """Process the list of dictionaries with ensemble specific parameters. """ for i in range(len(self._ensemble_args)): # check the sublattice index self._check_sublattice_index(self._ensemble_args[i]['sublattice_index']) # extract the allowed species if 'allowed_symbols' in self._ensemble_args[i]: self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_species'] =\ self._extract_allowed_species(self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_symbols'], self._ensemble_args[i]['sublattice_index']) del self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_symbols'] else: self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_species'] = None # handle lack of allowed sites if 'allowed_sites' not in self._ensemble_args[i]: self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_sites'] = None if self._ensemble_args[i]['ensemble'] == 'vcsgc': # Check that each sublattice has N - 1 phis count_specified_elements = 0 if self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_species'] is None: allowed_species =\ self.sublattices[self._ensemble_args[i]['sublattice_index']].atomic_numbers else: allowed_species = self._ensemble_args[i]['allowed_species'] for number in allowed_species: if number in self._ensemble_args[i]['phis'].keys(): count_specified_elements += 1 if count_specified_elements != len(allowed_species) - 1: raise ValueError('phis must be set for N - 1 elements on a sublattice with' ' N elements') def _check_sublattice_index(self, sublattice_index: int): """Check the :attr:`sublattice_index` item in the :attr:`ensemble_spec` dictionary. Parameters ---------- sublattice_index Specific sublattice to consider provided as as an index or a symbol. """ if not isinstance(sublattice_index, int): raise TypeError("'sublattice_index' must be an integer, not" f' {format(type(sublattice_index))}') # check that the sublattice exists if sublattice_index not in range(len(self.sublattices)): raise ValueError('There is no sublattice with index {}'.format(sublattice_index)) # check that the sublattice is active if len(self.sublattices[sublattice_index].chemical_symbols) == 1: raise ValueError('The sublattice {} is inactive'.format(sublattice_index)) def _extract_allowed_species( self, allowed_symbols: List[str], sublattice_index: int, ) -> List[int]: """Check and extract the allowed species from the :attr:`allowed_symbols` in the :attr:`ensemble_spec` dictionary. Parameters ---------- allowed_symbols List of allowed chemical symbols. sublattice_index Index for the relevant sublattice. """ if not isinstance(allowed_symbols, list) or not all( [isinstance(i, str) for i in allowed_symbols]): raise TypeError( f"'allowed_symbols' must be a List[str], not {type(allowed_symbols)}") for symbol in allowed_symbols: if symbol not in self.sublattices[sublattice_index].chemical_symbols: raise ValueError('The species {} is not allowed on sublattice' ' {}'.format(symbol, sublattice_index)) return [atomic_numbers[s] for s in allowed_symbols] def _process_probabilities(self, probabilities: List[float]): """Process the list of probabilities. Parameters ---------- probabilities Probabilities for choosing a particular ensemble with the same length as :attr:`self._ensemble_args`. """ if probabilities is None: # use the sizes of the associated sublattices when calculating the ensemble # probabilities weights = [len(self.sublattices[ensemble_arg['sublattice_index']].indices) for ensemble_arg in self._ensemble_args] norm = sum(weights) probabilities = [w / norm for w in weights] else: if len(probabilities) != len(self._ensemble_args): raise ValueError('The number of probabilities must be match the number of' ' ensembles') if not isclose(sum(probabilities), 1.0): raise ValueError('The sum of all probabilities must be equal to 1') self._probabilities = probabilities def _do_trial_step(self): """ Carries out one Monte Carlo trial step. """ # randomly pick an ensemble ensemble_arg = random.choices(self._ensemble_args, weights=self._probabilities)[0] # count number of trial steps for each ensemble self._trial_steps_per_ensemble[ensemble_arg['tag']] += 1 if ensemble_arg['ensemble'] == 'canonical' and not self.configuration.is_swap_possible( ensemble_arg['sublattice_index'], ensemble_arg['allowed_species']): return 0 else: arguments = {key: val for key, val in ensemble_arg.items() if key not in ['ensemble', 'tag']} return self._ensemble_trial_steps[ensemble_arg['ensemble']](**arguments) def _get_ensemble_data(self) -> Dict: """ Returns a dict with the default data of the ensemble. This includes atom counts and free energy derivative. """ data = super()._get_ensemble_data() ensemble_types = [e['ensemble'] for e in self._ensemble_args] # free energy derivative if 'vcsgc' in ensemble_types: for ensemble_arg in self._ensemble_args: if 'vcsgc' == ensemble_arg['ensemble']: data.update(self._get_vcsgc_free_energy_derivatives( ensemble_arg['phis'], ensemble_arg['kappa'], ensemble_arg['sublattice_index'])) # species counts if any([e in ensemble_types for e in ['vcsgc', 'semi-grand']]): data.update(self._get_species_counts()) return data