Source code for mchammer.observers.constituent_strain_observer

from mchammer.observers.base_observer import BaseObserver
from import ConstituentStrain
from ase import Atoms

[docs] class ConstituentStrainObserver(BaseObserver): """This class represents a constituent strain observer. It allows observation of constituent strain energy separate from the energy calculated by the cluster expansion. Parameters ---------- constituent_strain :class:`ConstituentStrain` object. interval Observation interval. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that if the observer is used in a Monte Carlo simulations, then the :class:`Ensemble` object will determine the interval. """ def __init__(self, constituent_strain: ConstituentStrain, interval: int = None) -> None: super().__init__(interval=interval, return_type=dict, tag='ConstituentStrainObserver') self.constituent_strain = constituent_strain
[docs] def get_observable(self, structure: Atoms) -> dict: """Returns the constituent strain energy for a given atomic configuration. Parameters ---------- structure Input atomic structure. """ cs = self.constituent_strain.get_constituent_strain(structure.get_atomic_numbers()) cs = {'constituent_strain_energy': cs * len(structure)} return cs