Source code for

import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import null_space

[docs] class Constraints: """ Class for handling linear constraints with right-hand-side equal to zero. Parameters ---------- n_params Number of parameters in model. Example ------- The following example demonstrates fitting of a cluster expansion under the constraint that parameter 2 and parameter 4 should be equal:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import Constraints >>> from trainstation import Optimizer >>> # Set up random sensing matrix and target "energies" >>> n_params = 10 >>> n_energies = 20 >>> A = np.random.random((n_energies, n_params)) >>> y = np.random.random(n_energies) >>> # Define constraints >>> c = Constraints(n_params=n_params) >>> M = np.zeros((1, n_params)) >>> M[0, [2, 4]] = 1 >>> c.add_constraint(M) >>> # Do the actual fit and finally extract parameters >>> A_constrained = c.transform(A) >>> opt = Optimizer((A_constrained, y), fit_method='ridge') >>> opt.train() >>> parameters = c.inverse_transform(opt.parameters) """ def __init__(self, n_params: int): self.M = np.empty((0, n_params)) self.constraint_vectors = np.eye(n_params)
[docs] def transform(self, A: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Transform array to constrained parameter space. Parameters ---------- A Array to be transformed. """ return
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, A: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Inverse transform array from constrained parameter space to unconstrained space. Parameters ---------- A Array to be inverse transformed. """ return
[docs] def add_constraint(self, M: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Add a constraint matrix and resolve for the constraint space. Parameters ---------- M Constraint matrix with each constraint as a row. Can (but need not be) cluster vectors. """ M = np.array(M) self.M = np.vstack((self.M, M)) self.constraint_vectors = null_space(self.M)
[docs] def get_mixing_energy_constraints(cluster_space) -> Constraints: """ A cluster expansion of the *mixing energy* should ideally predict zero energy for concentrations 0 and 1. This function constructs a :class:`Constraints` object that enforces that condition during training. Parameters ---------- cluster_space Cluster space corresponding to cluster expansion for which constraints should be imposed. Example ------- This example demonstrates how to constrain the mixing energy to zero at the pure phases in a toy example with random cluster vectors and random target energies:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from import bulk >>> from icet import ClusterSpace >>> from import get_mixing_energy_constraints >>> from trainstation import Optimizer >>> # Set up cluster space along with random sensing matrix and target "energies" >>> prim = bulk('Au') >>> cs = ClusterSpace(prim, cutoffs=[6.0, 5.0], chemical_symbols=['Au', 'Ag']) >>> n_params = len(cs) >>> n_energies = 20 >>> A = np.random.random((n_energies, n_params)) >>> y = np.random.random(n_energies) >>> # Define constraints >>> c = get_mixing_energy_constraints(cs) >>> # Do the actual fit and finally extract parameters >>> A_constrained = c.transform(A) >>> opt = Optimizer((A_constrained, y), fit_method='ridge') >>> opt.train() >>> parameters = c.inverse_transform(opt.parameters) Warning ------- Constraining the energy of one structure is always done at the expense of the fit quality of the others. Always expect that your cross-validation scores will increase somewhat when using this function. """ M = [] prim = cluster_space.primitive_structure.copy() sublattices = cluster_space.get_sublattices(prim) chemical_symbols = [subl.chemical_symbols for subl in sublattices] # Loop over all combinations of pure phases for symbols in itertools.product(*chemical_symbols): structure = prim.copy() for subl, symbol in zip(sublattices, symbols): for atom_index in subl.indices: structure[atom_index].symbol = symbol # Add constraint for this pure phase M.append(cluster_space.get_cluster_vector(structure)) c = Constraints(n_params=len(cluster_space)) c.add_constraint(M) return c