Source code for

from itertools import product
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Generator, Union

import numpy as np

from ase import Atoms
from import make_supercell
from spglib import get_symmetry
from spglib import niggli_reduce as spg_nigg_red

from import ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell
from .structure_enumeration_support.normal_form_matrices \
    import HermiteNormalForm, yield_reduced_hnfs, SmithNormalForm, get_unique_snfs
from .structure_enumeration_support.labeling_generation \
    import LabelingGenerator

def _translate_labelings(
        labeling: tuple,
        snf: SmithNormalForm,
        nsites: int,
        include_self: bool = False) -> Generator[Tuple[int], None, None]:
    Yields labelings that are equivalent to the original labeling under
    translations as dictated by the Smith normal form (SNF) provided.

        Labeling to be translated.
        SmithNormalForm object.
        Number of sites in the primitive cell.
        If ``True`` original labeling will be included.

    # Compute size of each block within which translations occur
    sizes = [nsites * block for block in snf.blocks]

    # Loop over all possible translations within group as defined by snf
    for trans in product(range(snf.S[0]), range(snf.S[1]), range(snf.S[2])):
        if not include_self and sum(trans) == 0:

        labeling_trans = ()
        for i in range(snf.S[0]):
            group = (i + trans[0]) % snf.S[0]
            block_i = labeling[sizes[0] * group:sizes[0] * (group + 1)]
            for j in range(snf.S[1]):
                group = (j + trans[1]) % snf.S[1]
                block_j = block_i[sizes[1] * group:sizes[1] * (group + 1)]
                for k in range(snf.S[2]):
                    group = (k + trans[2]) % snf.S[2]
                    labeling_trans += tuple(block_j[sizes[2] * group:
                                                    sizes[2] * (group + 1)])
        yield labeling_trans

def _get_all_labelings(snf: SmithNormalForm,
                       labeling_generator: LabelingGenerator,
                       nsites: int) -> List[tuple]:
    Returns inequivalent labelings corresponding to a Smith normal form
    (SNF) matrix. Superperiodic labelings as well as labelings that are
    equivalent under translations for this particular SNF will not be
    included. However, labelings that are equivalent by rotations that
    leave the cell (but not the labeling) unchanged will still be
    included, since these have to be removed for each Hermite normal
    form (HNF) separately.

        SmithNormalForm object.
        :class:`LabelingGenerator` object.
        Number of sites per primitive cell.
    labelings = []
    for labeling in labeling_generator.yield_labelings(snf.ncells):
        unique = True
        for labeling_trans in _translate_labelings(labeling, snf, nsites,
            # Check whether it translates into itself. If so,
            # then it has been added with a smaller cell.
            if labeling == labeling_trans:
                unique = False

            # Check with previous labelings,
            # if labeling can be translated into a previously
            # added labeling, then it is not unique
            if labeling_trans in labelings:
                unique = False
        if unique:
    return labelings

def _permute_labeling(labeling: tuple, snf: SmithNormalForm,
                      transformation: List[np.ndarray],
                      nsites: int) -> Tuple[int]:
    Returns permuted labeling according to transformations defined by

        Labeling to be rotated.
        SmithNormalForm object.
        Transformation consisting of rotation, translation and basis
        Nnumber of sites in the primitive cell.

    # Calculate transformation imposed by LRL multiplication
    new_group_order =, transformation[0].T)

    # Loop over every atom to find its new position
    labeling_new = [0] * len(labeling)
    for member_index, member in enumerate(new_group_order):

        # Transform according to Gp,
        # but each site in the primitive cell also transforms in its own way
        for basis in range(nsites):
            new_cell = member + transformation[1][basis]

            # Calculate new index, first by finding the right block,
            # then by adding the basis index to that block
            new_index = 0
            for i in range(3):
                new_index += (new_cell[i] % snf.S[i]) * snf.blocks[i] * nsites
            new_index += transformation[2][basis]

            # Add the contribution to the hash key
            element = labeling[member_index * nsites + basis]
            labeling_new[new_index] = element
    return tuple(labeling_new)

def _yield_unique_labelings(labelings: List[int], snf: SmithNormalForm,
                            hnf: HermiteNormalForm, nsites: int) -> tuple:
    Yields labelings that are unique in every imaginable sense.

        List of hash keys to labelings that may still contain labelings
        that are equivalent under rotations that leave the supercell
        shape unchanged.
        SmithNormalForm object.
        HermiteNormalForm object.
        Number of sites in the primitive cell.
    saved_labelings = []
    for labeling in labelings:

        # Check whether labeling is just a rotated version of a previous
        # labeling. Apply transformation that is specific to the hnf
        # and check all translations of the transformed labeling.
        unique = True
        for transformation in hnf.transformations:

            labeling_rot = _permute_labeling(labeling, snf, transformation,

            # Commonly, the transformation leaves the labeling
            # unchanged, so check that first as a special case
            # (yields a quite significant speedup)
            if labeling_rot == labeling:

            # Translate in all possible ways
            for labeling_rot_trans in \
                    _translate_labelings(labeling_rot, snf, nsites,
                if labeling_rot_trans in saved_labelings:
                    # Then we have rotated and translated the labeling
                    # into one that was already yielded
                    unique = False
            if not unique:
        if unique:
            # Then we have finally found a unique structure
            # defined by an HNF matrix and a labeling
            yield labeling

def _labeling_to_ase_atoms(labeling: tuple, hnf: HermiteNormalForm,
                           cell: np.ndarray,
                           new_cell: np.ndarray,
                           basis: np.ndarray, chemical_symbols: List[str],
                           pbc: List[bool]) -> Atoms:
    Returns structure object corresponding to the given labeling using
    labeling, HNF matrix and parent lattice.

        Permutation of index of elements.
        HNF object defining the supercell.
        Basis vectors of primtive cell listed row-wise.
        new cell shape
        Scaled coordinates to all sites in the primitive cell.
        List of elements, e.g. ``['Au', 'Ag']``.
        Periodic boundary conditions of the primitive structure.
    a = hnf.H[0, 0]
    b = hnf.H[1, 0]
    c = hnf.H[1, 1]
    d = hnf.H[2, 0]
    e = hnf.H[2, 1]
    f = hnf.H[2, 2]
    symbols = []
    positions = []
    for z1 in range(a):
        offset_1 = (b * z1) / a
        for z2 in range(int(offset_1), int(offset_1 + c)):
            offset_2 = z1 * (d - (e * b) / c) / a + (e * z2) / c
            for z3 in range(int(offset_2), int(f + offset_2)):
                for basis_vector_i, basis_vector in enumerate(basis):

                    # Determine position in Cartesian coordinates
                    pos =, np.array([z1, z2, z3]) + basis_vector)

                    # Now determine which species this is
                    g =, [z1, z2, z3])
                    assert np.allclose(g, np.round(g))
                    g = np.round(g).astype('int64')
                    g = [g[i] % hnf.snf.S[i] for i in range(3)]
                    ind = len(basis) * (g[0] * hnf.snf.S[1] * hnf.snf.S[2] +
                                        g[1] * hnf.snf.S[2] + g[2]) + basis_vector_i
    structure = Atoms(symbols, positions, cell=new_cell, pbc=(True, True, True))
    structure.pbc = pbc
    return structure

def _get_symmetry_operations(structure: Atoms,
                             symprec: float,
                             position_tolerance: float) -> Dict[str, list]:
    Returns symmetry operations permissable for a given structure as
    obtained via `spglib <>`_. The
    symmetry operations consist of three parts: rotation, translation
    and basis shifts. The latter define the way that sublattices
    shift upon rotation (correponds to `d_Nd` in [HarFor09]_).

        Structure for which symmetry operations are sought.
        Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib.
        Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates.
    symmetries = get_symmetry(ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell(structure), symprec=symprec)
    assert symmetries, ('spglib.get_symmetry() failed. Please make sure that'
                        ' the structure object is sensible.')
    rotations = symmetries['rotations']
    translations = symmetries['translations']

    basis = structure.get_scaled_positions()

    # Calculate how atoms within the primitive cell are shifted (from one site
    # to another) and translated (from one primtive cell to another) upon
    # operation with rotation matrix. Note that the translations are needed
    # here because different sites translate differently.
    basis_shifts = np.zeros((len(rotations), len(structure)), dtype='int64')
    sites_translations = []
    for i, rotation in enumerate(rotations):
        translation = translations[i]
        site_translations = []
        for j, basis_element in enumerate(basis):

            # Calculate how the site is transformed when operated on by
            # symmetry of parent lattice (rotation and translation)
            site_rot_trans =, basis_element) + translation

            # The site may now have been moved to a different site in a
            # different cell. We want to separate the two. (In HarFor09,
            # basis_shift (site_rot_trans) corresponds to d_Nd and
            # site_translation to t_Nd)
            site_translation = [0, 0, 0]
            for index in range(3):
                while site_rot_trans[index] < -position_tolerance:
                    site_rot_trans[index] += 1
                    site_translation[index] -= 1
                while site_rot_trans[index] > 1 - position_tolerance:
                    site_rot_trans[index] -= 1
                    site_translation[index] += 1

            # Find the basis element that the shifted basis correponds to
            found = False
            for basis_index, basis_element_comp in enumerate(basis):
                distance = site_rot_trans - basis_element_comp

                # Make sure that they do not differ with a basis vector
                for dist_comp_i, dist_comp in enumerate(distance):
                    if abs(abs(dist_comp) - 1) < position_tolerance:
                        distance[dist_comp_i] = 0

                if (abs(distance) < position_tolerance).all():
                    assert not found
                    basis_shifts[i, j] = basis_index
                    found = True
            assert found


    symmetries['translations'] = sites_translations
    symmetries['basis_shifts'] = basis_shifts
    return symmetries

[docs] def enumerate_structures(structure: Atoms, sizes: Union[List[int], range], chemical_symbols: list, concentration_restrictions: dict = None, niggli_reduce: bool = None, symprec: float = 1e-5, position_tolerance: float = None) -> Atoms: """ Yields a sequence of enumerated structures. The function generates *all* inequivalent structures that are permissible given a certain lattice. Using the :attr:`chemical_symbols` and :attr:`concentration_restrictions` keyword arguments it is possible to specify which chemical_symbols are to be included on which site and in which concentration range. The function is sensitive to the boundary conditions of the input structure. An enumeration of, for example, a surface can thus be performed by setting :attr:`structure.pbc = [True, True, False]`. The algorithm implemented here was developed by Gus L. W. Hart and Rodney W. Forcade in Phys. Rev. B **77**, 224115 (2008) [HarFor08]_ and Phys. Rev. B **80**, 014120 (2009) [HarFor09]_. Parameters ---------- structure Primitive structure from which derivative superstructures should be generated. sizes Number of sites (included in enumeration). chemical_symbols Chemical species with which to decorate the structure, e.g., ``['Au', 'Ag']``; see below for more examples. concentration_restrictions Allowed concentration range for one or more element in :attr:`chemical_symbols`, e.g., ``{'Au': (0, 0.2)}`` will only enumerate structures in which the Au content is between 0 and 20 %. Here, concentration is always defined as the number of atoms of the specified kind divided by the number of *all* atoms. niggli_reduction If ``True`` perform a Niggli reduction with spglib for each structure. The default is ``True`` if :attr:`structure` is periodic in all directions, ``False`` otherwise. symprec Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. position_tolerance Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates; by default this value is set equal to :attr:`symprec`. Examples -------- The following code snippet illustrates how to enumerate structures with up to 6 atoms in the unit cell for a binary alloy without any constraints:: >>> from import bulk >>> prim = bulk('Ag') >>> for structure in enumerate_structures(structure=prim, ... sizes=range(1, 5), ... chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au']): ... pass # Do something with the structure To limit the concentration range to 10 to 40% Au the code should be modified as follows:: >>> conc_restr = {'Au': (0.1, 0.4)} >>> for structure in enumerate_structures(structure=prim, ... sizes=range(1, 5), ... chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au'], ... concentration_restrictions=conc_restr): ... pass # Do something with the structure Often one would like to consider mixing on only one sublattice. This can be achieved as illustrated for a Ga(1-x)Al(x)As alloy as follows:: >>> prim = bulk('GaAs', crystalstructure='zincblende', a=5.65) >>> for structure in enumerate_structures(structure=prim, ... sizes=range(1, 9), ... chemical_symbols=[['Ga', 'Al'], ['As']]): ... pass # Do something with the structure """ if position_tolerance is None: position_tolerance = symprec nsites = len(structure) basis = structure.get_scaled_positions() # Construct descriptor of where species are allowed to be if isinstance(chemical_symbols[0], str): iter_chemical_symbols = [tuple(range(len(chemical_symbols)))] * nsites elements = chemical_symbols elif len(chemical_symbols) == nsites: assert isinstance(chemical_symbols[0][0], str) elements = [] for site in chemical_symbols: for element in site: if element not in elements: elements.append(element) iter_chemical_symbols = [] for site in chemical_symbols: iter_chemical_symbols.append(tuple(elements.index(i) for i in site)) else: raise Exception('chemical_symbols needs to be a list of strings ' 'or a list of list of strings.') # Adapt concentration restrictions to iter_chemical_symbols if concentration_restrictions: concentrations = {} for key, concentration_range in concentration_restrictions.items(): assert len(concentration_range) == 2, \ ('Each concentration range' + ' needs to be specified as (c_low, c_high)') if key not in elements: raise ValueError('{} found in concentration_restrictions but' ' not in chemical_symbols'.format(key)) concentrations[elements.index(key)] = concentration_range else: concentrations = None # Construct labeling generator labeling_generator = LabelingGenerator(iter_chemical_symbols, concentrations) # Niggli reduce by default if all directions have # periodic boundary conditions if niggli_reduce is None: niggli_reduce = (sum(structure.pbc) == 3) symmetries = _get_symmetry_operations(structure, symprec=symprec, position_tolerance=position_tolerance) # Loop over each cell size for ncells in sizes: if ncells == 0: continue hnfs = list(yield_reduced_hnfs(ncells, symmetries, structure.pbc)) snfs = get_unique_snfs(hnfs) for snf in snfs: labelings = _get_all_labelings(snf, labeling_generator, nsites) for hnf in snf.hnfs: if niggli_reduce: new_cell = spg_nigg_red(, structure.cell)) if new_cell is None: new_cell =, structure.cell) else: new_cell =, structure.cell) for labeling in _yield_unique_labelings(labelings, snf, hnf, nsites): yield _labeling_to_ase_atoms(labeling, hnf, structure.cell, new_cell, basis, elements, structure.pbc)
[docs] def enumerate_supercells(structure: Atoms, sizes: Union[List[int], range], niggli_reduce: bool = None, symprec: float = 1e-5, position_tolerance: float = None) -> Atoms: """ Yields a sequence of enumerated supercells. The function generates *all* inequivalent supercells that are permissible given a certain lattice. Any supercell can be reduced to one of the supercells generated. The function is sensitive to the boundary conditions of the input structure. An enumeration of, for example, a surface can thus be performed by setting :attr:`structure.pbc = [True, True, False]`. The algorithm is based on Gus L. W. Hart and Rodney W. Forcade in Phys. Rev. B **77**, 224115 (2008) [HarFor08]_ and Phys. Rev. B **80**, 014120 (2009) [HarFor09]_. Parameters ---------- structure Primitive structure from which supercells should be generated. sizes Number of sites (included in enumeration). niggli_reduction If ``True`` perform a Niggli reduction with spglib for each supercell. The default is ``True`` if :attr:`structure` is periodic in all directions, ``False`` otherwise. symprec Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. position_tolerance Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates. By default this value is set equal to :attr:`symprec`. Examples -------- The following code snippet illustrates how to enumerate supercells with up to 6 atoms in the unit cell:: >>> from import bulk >>> prim = bulk('Ag') >>> for supercell in enumerate_supercells(structure=prim, sizes=range(1, 7)): ... pass # Do something with the supercell """ if position_tolerance is None: position_tolerance = symprec # Niggli reduce by default if all directions have # periodic boundary conditions if niggli_reduce is None: niggli_reduce = (sum(structure.pbc) == 3) symmetries = _get_symmetry_operations(structure, symprec=symprec, position_tolerance=position_tolerance) for ncells in sizes: for hnf in yield_reduced_hnfs(ncells, symmetries, structure.pbc): supercell = make_supercell(structure, hnf.H.T) if niggli_reduce: new_cell = spg_nigg_red(, structure.cell)) if new_cell is None: # Happens when spglib fails to Niggli reduce yield supercell else: Pprim =, np.linalg.inv(structure.cell)) yield make_supercell(structure, Pprim) else: yield supercell