Source code for mchammer.free_energy_tools

from typing import List
from icet import ClusterSpace
from icet.core.sublattices import Sublattices

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid

from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import kB

from mchammer import DataContainer

import operator
from collections import Counter
from math import factorial
from functools import reduce

def _lambda_function_forward(n_steps: int, step: int) -> float:
    Returns the current lambda value for a backward calculation.

        Total number of steps..
        Current step.
    x = (step + 1) / (n_steps)
    lam = x**5*(70*x**4 - 315*x**3 + 540*x**2 - 420*x + 126)
    # Due to numerical precision lambda may be slightly outside the interval [0.0, 1.0]
    lam = np.clip(lam, 0.0, 1.0)
    return lam

def _lambda_function_backward(n_steps: int, step: int) -> float:
    Returns the current lambda value for a backward calculation.

        Total number of steps.
        Current step.
    return 1 - _lambda_function_forward(n_steps, step)

def _stirling(n: int) -> float:
    """ Stirling approximation of log(n!). """
    return n * np.log(n) - n + 0.5 * np.log(2*np.pi*n)

def _lognpermutations(array: List[int]) -> float:
    """If _npermutations becomes too large we resort to calculating the
    logarithm directly using Stirling's approximation, i.e., we

    .. math::

        log(n!) - (log(a1!) + log(a2!) + log(a3!) + ... + log(ak!)

    where we denote in the code

    .. math::

        v  n = log(n!)
        den = (log(a1!) + log(a2!) + log(a3!) + ... + log(ak!)


    n = _stirling(len(array))
    # Gets the number of each unique atom type
    mults = Counter(array).values()
    den = reduce(operator.add,
                 (_stirling(v) for v in mults),
    return n - den

def _npermutations(array: List[int]) -> float:
    Returns the total number of ways we can permutate the array which is given by

    .. math::

        n! / (a1! * a2! * a3! * ... * ak!)

    where we denote in the code

    .. math::

        den = (a1! * a2! * a3! * ... * ak!)
    n = factorial(len(array))
    # Gets the number of each unique atom type
    a = Counter(array).values()
    den = reduce(operator.mul,
                 (factorial(v) for v in a),
    return n / den

def _ideal_mixing_entropy(swap_sublattice_probabilities: List[int],
                          atoms_on_sublattices: np.ndarray,
                          boltzmann_constant: float) -> float:
    Calculates the ideal mixing entropy for the supercell.

        Sublattices that are active during the MC simulation.
        Sorted atomic numbers in sublattices lists.
        Value of Boltzmann constant in the units used in the MC simulation.
    log_multiplicity = []
    sublattices = np.array(swap_sublattice_probabilities) > 0
    for aos in atoms_on_sublattices[sublattices]:
        except Exception:
    return boltzmann_constant * np.sum(log_multiplicity)

def _get_atoms_on_sublattice(structure: Atoms,
                             sublattices: Sublattices) -> np.ndarray:
    """Sorts the atom symbols in the structure to lists involving
    specific sublattices, for example,

    [[5, 5, 3, 3, 3], [11, 11, 10, 10, 10 10, 10]]

        Atomic structure.
        Sublattices for the supercell obtained from the cluster space.
    _atoms_on_sublattices = []
    for sl in sublattices:
        atoms_on_sublattice = []
        for an in sl.atomic_numbers:
            natoms = np.where(structure.numbers == an)[0].size
            atoms_on_sublattice.extend([an] * natoms)
    _atoms_on_sublattices = np.array(_atoms_on_sublattices,
    return _atoms_on_sublattices

[docs] def get_free_energy_thermodynamic_integration( dc: DataContainer, cluster_space: ClusterSpace, forward: bool, max_temperature: float = np.inf, sublattice_probabilities: List[float] = None, boltzmann_constant: float = kB, ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): r"""Returns the free energy calculated via thermodynamic integration using the :class:`ThermodynamicIntegrationEnsemble <mchammer.ensembles.ThermodynamicIntegrationEnsemble>`. The temperature dependence of the free energy can be extracted from the thermodynamic integration as .. math:: F(T) = \frac{F_0(\lambda)}{\lambda} + \frac{T_0}{\lambda} S_\text{B} where :math:`S_\text{B}` is the Boltzmann entropy, .. math:: T = \frac{T_0}{\lambda} and .. math:: F_0(\lambda) = \int_0^\lambda \left\langle\frac{\mathrm{d}H(\lambda)} {\mathrm{d}\lambda}\right\rangle_{H} \mathrm{d}\lambda Parameters ---------- dc Data container from the thermodynamic integration simulation. cluster_space Cluster space used to construct the cluster expansion used for the simulation. forward Whether or not the thermodynamic integration was carried out forward or backward. max_temperature Largest temperature to extract from the thermodynamic integration. sublattice_probababilites Sublattice probabilties that were provided to the thermodynamic integration simulation. boltzmann_constant Boltzmann constant in the units used for the thermodynamic integration simulation. """ lambdas, potentials = dc.get('lambda', 'potential') if not forward: # We want to integrate from high to low temperature even though # the simulation was from low to high. potentials = potentials[::-1] lambdas = lambdas[::-1] sublattices = cluster_space.get_sublattices(dc.structure) if sublattice_probabilities is None: sublattice_probabilities = [True] * len(sublattices) atoms_on_sublattices = _get_atoms_on_sublattice(dc.structure, sublattices) ideal_mixing_entropy = _ideal_mixing_entropy(sublattice_probabilities, atoms_on_sublattices, boltzmann_constant) temperature = dc._ensemble_parameters['temperature'] with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): # First value of lambdas will be zero (we ignore this warning) temperatures = (1 / lambdas) * temperature temp_inds = np.where(temperatures <= max_temperature)[0] free_energy_change = cumulative_trapezoid(potentials, x=lambdas, initial=0) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore'): # First value of lambdas will be zero (we ignore this warning) free_energy = (free_energy_change / lambdas - temperatures * ideal_mixing_entropy) free_energy[np.isnan(free_energy)] = 0 return (temperatures[temp_inds], free_energy[temp_inds])
[docs] def get_free_energy_temperature_integration( dc: DataContainer, cluster_space: ClusterSpace, forward: bool, temperature_reference: float, free_energy_reference: float = None, sublattice_probabilities: List[float] = None, max_temperature: float = np.inf, boltzmann_constant: float = kB, ) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): r""" Returns the free energy calculated using temperature integration and the corresponding temperature. .. math:: \frac{A(T_{2})}{T_{2}} = \frac{A(T_{1})}{T_{1}} - \int_{T_{1}}^{T_{2}}\frac{U(T)}{T^2}\mathrm{d}T Parameters ---------- dc Data container from a canonical annealing simulation. The first (last for :attr:`forward=False`) temperature in the data container has to be at the same temperature as :attr:`temperature_reference`. cluster_space Cluster space used to construct the cluster expansion that was used in the simulations. forward If ``True`` the canonical annealing simulation was carried out from high to low temperature, otherwise the opposite is assumed. temperature_reference Temperature at which :attr:`free_energy_reference` was calculated free_energy_reference Reference free energy. If set to ``None`` it will be assumeed that the free energy at :attr:`temperature_reference` can be approximated by :math:`T S_B` where :math:`S_B` is the ideal mixing entropy. sublattice_probababilites Sublattice probabilties that were provided to the canonical annealing simulation. max_temperature Largest temperature to extract from the temperature integration. boltzmann_constant Boltzmann constant in the units used for the thermodynamic integration simulation. """ temperatures, potentials = dc.get('temperature', 'potential') if not forward: # We want to integrate from high to low temperature even though # the simulation was from low to high. potentials = potentials[::-1] temperatures = temperatures[::-1] if not np.isclose(temperatures[0], temperature_reference): raise ValueError( 'The first or the last temperature in the temperature list' ' has to equal the reference temperature.' f' reference_temperature: {temperature_reference}' f' first canonical temperature: {temperatures[0]}') temp_inds = np.where(temperatures <= max_temperature)[0] if free_energy_reference is None: sublattices = cluster_space.get_sublattices(dc.structure) if sublattice_probabilities is None: sublattice_probabilities = [True] * len(sublattices) atoms_on_sublattices = _get_atoms_on_sublattice(dc.structure, sublattices) ideal_mixing_entropy = _ideal_mixing_entropy(sublattice_probabilities, atoms_on_sublattices, boltzmann_constant) free_energy_reference = -ideal_mixing_entropy * temperature_reference reference = free_energy_reference / temperature_reference integral = cumulative_trapezoid(potentials / temperatures**2, x=temperatures, initial=0) free_energy = (reference - integral) * temperatures return (temperatures[temp_inds], free_energy[temp_inds])