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2This module provides the :class:`ClusterSpace` class. 



5import os 

6import copy 

7import itertools 

8import pickle 

9import tarfile 

10import tempfile 

11from import Iterable 

12from math import log10, floor 

13from typing import Dict, List, Union, Tuple 


15import numpy as np 

16import spglib 


18from _icet import ClusterSpace as _ClusterSpace 

19from ase import Atoms 

20from import read as ase_read 

21from import write as ase_write 

22from icet.core.orbit_list import OrbitList 

23from icet.core.structure import Structure 

24from icet.core.sublattices import Sublattices 

25from import (ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell, 

26 get_occupied_primitive_structure) 

27from pandas import DataFrame 



30class ClusterSpace(_ClusterSpace): 

31 """This class provides functionality for generating and maintaining 

32 cluster spaces. 


34 Note 

35 ---- 

36 In :program:`icet` all :class:`Atoms <ase.Atoms>` objects must have 

37 periodic boundary conditions. When constructing cluster expansions 

38 for surfaces and nanoparticles it is therefore recommended to 

39 surround the structure with vacuum and use periodic boundary 

40 conditions. This can be achieved by using :func:` <>`. 


42 Parameters 

43 ---------- 

44 structure 

45 Atomic structure. 

46 cutoffs 

47 Cutoff radii per order that define the cluster space. 


49 Cutoffs are specified in units of Ångstrom and refer to the 

50 longest distance between two atoms in the cluster. The first 

51 element refers to pairs, the second to triplets, the third 

52 to quadruplets, and so on. :attr:`cutoffs=[7.0, 4.5]` thus implies 

53 that all pairs distanced 7 Å or less will be included, 

54 as well as all triplets among which the longest distance is no 

55 longer than 4.5 Å. 

56 chemical_symbols 

57 List of chemical symbols, each of which must map to an element 

58 of the periodic table. 


60 If a list of chemical symbols is provided, all sites on the 

61 lattice will have the same allowed occupations as the input 

62 list. 


64 If a list of list of chemical symbols is provided then the 

65 outer list must be the same length as the :attr:`structure` object and 

66 :attr:`chemical_symbols[i]` will correspond to the allowed species 

67 on lattice site ``i``. 

68 symprec 

69 Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. 

70 position_tolerance 

71 Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates. 


73 Examples 

74 -------- 

75 The following snippets illustrate several common situations:: 


77 >>> from import bulk 

78 >>> from import read 

79 >>> from icet import ClusterSpace 


81 >>> # AgPd alloy with pairs up to 7.0 A and triplets up to 4.5 A 

82 >>> prim = bulk('Ag') 

83 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(structure=prim, cutoffs=[7.0, 4.5], 

84 ... chemical_symbols=[['Ag', 'Pd']]) 

85 >>> print(cs) 


87 >>> # (Mg,Zn)O alloy on rocksalt lattice with pairs up to 8.0 A 

88 >>> prim = bulk('MgO', crystalstructure='rocksalt', a=6.0) 

89 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(structure=prim, cutoffs=[8.0], 

90 ... chemical_symbols=[['Mg', 'Zn'], ['O']]) 

91 >>> print(cs) 


93 >>> # (Ga,Al)(As,Sb) alloy with pairs, triplets, and quadruplets 

94 >>> prim = bulk('GaAs', crystalstructure='zincblende', a=6.5) 

95 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(structure=prim, cutoffs=[7.0, 6.0, 5.0], 

96 ... chemical_symbols=[['Ga', 'Al'], ['As', 'Sb']]) 

97 >>> print(cs) 


99 >>> # PdCuAu alloy with pairs and triplets 

100 >>> prim = bulk('Pd') 

101 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(structure=prim, cutoffs=[7.0, 5.0], 

102 ... chemical_symbols=[['Au', 'Cu', 'Pd']]) 

103 >>> print(cs) 


105 """ 


107 def __init__(self, 

108 structure: Atoms, 

109 cutoffs: List[float], 

110 chemical_symbols: Union[List[str], List[List[str]]], 

111 symprec: float = 1e-5, 

112 position_tolerance: float = None) -> None: 


114 if not isinstance(structure, Atoms): 114 ↛ 115line 114 didn't jump to line 115, because the condition on line 114 was never true

115 raise TypeError('Input configuration must be an ASE Atoms object' 

116 f', not type {type(structure)}.') 

117 if not all(structure.pbc): 

118 raise ValueError('Input structure must be periodic.') 

119 if symprec <= 0: 

120 raise ValueError('symprec must be a positive number.') 


122 self._config = {'symprec': symprec} 

123 self._cutoffs = cutoffs.copy() 

124 self._input_structure = structure.copy() 

125 self._input_chemical_symbols = copy.deepcopy(chemical_symbols) 

126 chemical_symbols = self._get_chemical_symbols() 


128 self._pruning_history: List[tuple] = [] 


130 # set up primitive 

131 occupied_primitive, primitive_chemical_symbols = get_occupied_primitive_structure( 

132 self._input_structure, chemical_symbols, symprec=self.symprec) 

133 self._primitive_chemical_symbols = primitive_chemical_symbols 

134 assert len(occupied_primitive) == len(primitive_chemical_symbols) 


136 # derived tolerances 

137 if position_tolerance is None: 

138 self._config['position_tolerance'] = symprec 

139 else: 

140 if position_tolerance <= 0: 

141 raise ValueError('position_tolerance must be a positive number') 

142 self._config['position_tolerance'] = position_tolerance 

143 effective_box_size = abs(np.linalg.det(occupied_primitive.cell)) ** (1 / 3) 

144 tol = self.position_tolerance / effective_box_size 

145 tol = min(tol, self._config['position_tolerance'] / 5) 

146 self._config['fractional_position_tolerance'] = round(tol, -int(floor(log10(abs(tol))))) 


148 # set up orbit list 

149 self._orbit_list = OrbitList( 

150 structure=occupied_primitive, 

151 cutoffs=self._cutoffs, 

152 chemical_symbols=self._primitive_chemical_symbols, 

153 symprec=self.symprec, 

154 position_tolerance=self.position_tolerance, 

155 fractional_position_tolerance=self.fractional_position_tolerance) 

156 self._orbit_list.remove_orbits_with_inactive_sites() 


158 # call (base) C++ constructor 

159 _ClusterSpace.__init__(self, 

160 orbit_list=self._orbit_list, 

161 position_tolerance=self.position_tolerance, 

162 fractional_position_tolerance=self.fractional_position_tolerance) 


164 def _get_chemical_symbols(self): 

165 """ Returns chemical symbols using input structure and 

166 chemical symbols. Carries out multiple sanity checks. """ 


168 # setup chemical symbols as List[List[str]] 

169 if all(isinstance(i, str) for i in self._input_chemical_symbols): 

170 chemical_symbols = [self._input_chemical_symbols] * len(self._input_structure) 

171 # also accept tuples and other iterables but not, e.g., List[List, str] 

172 # (need to check for str explicitly here because str is an Iterable) 

173 elif not all(isinstance(i, Iterable) and not isinstance(i, str) 

174 for i in self._input_chemical_symbols): 

175 raise TypeError('chemical_symbols must be List[str] or List[List[str]], not {}'.format( 

176 type(self._input_chemical_symbols))) 

177 elif len(self._input_chemical_symbols) != len(self._input_structure): 

178 msg = 'chemical_symbols must have same length as structure. ' 

179 msg += 'len(chemical_symbols) = {}, len(structure)= {}'.format( 

180 len(self._input_chemical_symbols), len(self._input_structure)) 

181 raise ValueError(msg) 

182 else: 

183 chemical_symbols = copy.deepcopy(self._input_chemical_symbols) 


185 for i, symbols in enumerate(chemical_symbols): 

186 if len(symbols) != len(set(symbols)): 

187 raise ValueError( 

188 'Found duplicates of allowed chemical symbols on site {}.' 

189 ' allowed species on site {}= {}'.format(i, i, symbols)) 


191 if len([tuple(sorted(s)) for s in chemical_symbols if len(s) > 1]) == 0: 

192 raise ValueError('No active sites found') 


194 return chemical_symbols 


196 def _get_chemical_symbol_representation(self): 

197 """Returns a str version of the chemical symbols that is 

198 easier on the eyes. 

199 """ 

200 sublattices = self.get_sublattices(self.primitive_structure) 

201 nice_str = [] 

202 for sublattice in sublattices.active_sublattices: 

203 sublattice_symbol = sublattice.symbol 

204 nice_str.append('{} (sublattice {})'.format( 

205 list(sublattice.chemical_symbols), sublattice_symbol)) 

206 return ', '.join(nice_str) 


208 def _get_string_representation(self, 

209 print_threshold: int = None, 

210 print_minimum: int = 10) -> str: 

211 """ 

212 String representation of the cluster space that provides an overview of 

213 the orbits (order, radius, multiplicity etc) that constitute the space. 


215 Parameters 

216 ---------- 

217 print_threshold 

218 if the number of orbits exceeds this number print dots 

219 print_minimum 

220 number of lines printed from the top and the bottom of the orbit 

221 list if `print_threshold` is exceeded 


223 Returns 

224 ------- 

225 multi-line string 

226 string representation of the cluster space. 

227 """ 


229 def repr_orbit(orbit, header=False): 

230 formats = {'order': '{:2}', 

231 'radius': '{:8.4f}', 

232 'multiplicity': '{:4}', 

233 'index': '{:4}', 

234 'orbit_index': '{:4}', 

235 'multicomponent_vector': '{:}', 

236 'sublattices': '{:}'} 

237 s = [] 

238 for name, value in orbit.items(): 

239 if name == 'sublattices': 

240 str_repr = formats[name].format('-'.join(value)) 

241 else: 

242 str_repr = formats[name].format(value) 

243 n = max(len(name), len(str_repr)) 

244 if header: 

245 s += ['{s:^{n}}'.format(s=name, n=n)] 

246 else: 

247 s += ['{s:^{n}}'.format(s=str_repr, n=n)] 

248 return ' | '.join(s) 


250 # basic information 

251 # (use largest orbit to obtain maximum line length) 

252 prototype_orbit = self.as_list[-1] 

253 width = len(repr_orbit(prototype_orbit)) 

254 s = [] 

255 s += ['{s:=^{n}}'.format(s=' Cluster Space ', n=width)] 

256 s += [' {:38} : {}'.format('space group', self.space_group)] 

257 s += [' {:38} : {}' 

258 .format('chemical species', self._get_chemical_symbol_representation())] 

259 s += [' {:38} : {}'.format('cutoffs', 

260 ' '.join(['{:.4f}'.format(c) for c in self.cutoffs]))] 

261 s += [' {:38} : {}'.format('total number of parameters', len(self))] 

262 t = ['{}= {}'.format(k, c) 

263 for k, c in self.number_of_orbits_by_order.items()] 

264 s += [' {:38} : {}'.format('number of parameters by order', ' '.join(t))] 

265 for key, value in sorted(self._config.items()): 

266 s += [' {:38} : {}'.format(key, value)] 


268 # table header 

269 s += [''.center(width, '-')] 

270 s += [repr_orbit(prototype_orbit, header=True)] 

271 s += [''.center(width, '-')] 


273 # table body 

274 index = 0 

275 orbit_list_info = self.as_list 

276 while index < len(orbit_list_info): 

277 if (print_threshold is not None and 

278 len(self) > print_threshold and 

279 index >= print_minimum and 

280 index <= len(self) - print_minimum): 

281 index = len(self) - print_minimum 

282 s += [' ...'] 

283 s += [repr_orbit(orbit_list_info[index])] 

284 index += 1 

285 s += [''.center(width, '=')] 


287 return '\n'.join(s) 


289 def __str__(self) -> str: 

290 """ String representation. """ 

291 return self._get_string_representation(print_threshold=50) 


293 def _repr_html_(self) -> str: 

294 """ HTML representation. Used, e.g., in jupyter notebooks. """ 

295 s = ['<h4>Cluster Space</h4>'] 

296 s += ['<table border="1" class="dataframe">'] 

297 s += ['<thead><tr><th style="text-align: left;">Field</th><th>Value</th></tr></thead>'] 

298 s += ['<tbody>'] 

299 s += [f'<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Space group</td><td>{self.space_group}</td></tr>'] 

300 for sl in self.get_sublattices(self.primitive_structure).active_sublattices: 

301 s += [f'<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Sublattice {sl.symbol}</td>' 

302 f'<td>{sl.chemical_symbols}</td></tr>'] 

303 s += [f'<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Cutoffs</td><td>{self.cutoffs}</td></tr>'] 

304 s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Total number of parameters</td>' 

305 f'<td>{len(self)}</td></tr>'] 

306 for k, n in self.number_of_orbits_by_order.items(): 

307 s += [f'<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Number of parameters of order {k}</td>' 

308 f'<td>{n}</td></tr>'] 

309 for key, value in sorted(self._config.items()): 

310 s += [f'<tr><td style="text-align: left;">{key}</td><td>{value}</td></tr>'] 

311 s += ['</tbody>'] 

312 s += ['</table>'] 

313 return ''.join(s) 


315 def __repr__(self) -> str: 

316 """ Representation. """ 

317 s = type(self).__name__ + '(' 

318 s += f'structure={self.primitive_structure.__repr__()}' 

319 s += f', cutoffs={self._cutoffs.__repr__()}' 

320 s += f', chemical_symbols={self._input_chemical_symbols.__repr__()}' 

321 s += f', position_tolerance={self._config["position_tolerance"]}' 

322 s += ')' 

323 return s 


325 def __getitem__(self, ind: int): 

326 return self.as_list[ind] 


328 @property 

329 def symprec(self) -> float: 

330 """ Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. """ 

331 return self._config['symprec'] 


333 @property 

334 def position_tolerance(self) -> float: 

335 """ Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates. """ 

336 return self._config['position_tolerance'] 


338 @property 

339 def fractional_position_tolerance(self) -> float: 

340 """ Tolerance applied when comparing positions in fractional coordinates. """ 

341 return self._config['fractional_position_tolerance'] 


343 @property 

344 def space_group(self) -> str: 

345 """ Space group of the primitive structure in international notion (via spglib). """ 

346 structure_as_tuple = ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell(self.primitive_structure) 

347 return spglib.get_spacegroup(structure_as_tuple, symprec=self._config['symprec']) 


349 @property 

350 def as_list(self) -> List[dict]: 

351 """Representation of cluster space as list with information regarding 

352 order, radius, multiplicity etc. 

353 """ 

354 data = [] 

355 zerolet = dict( 

356 index=0, 

357 order=0, 

358 radius=0, 

359 multiplicity=1, 

360 orbit_index=-1, 

361 multicomponent_vector='.', 

362 sublattices='.', 

363 ) 

364 data.append(zerolet) 


366 sublattices = self.get_sublattices(self.primitive_structure) 

367 index = 0 

368 for orbit_index in range(len(self.orbit_list)): 

369 orbit = self.orbit_list.get_orbit(orbit_index) 

370 representative_cluster = orbit.representative_cluster 

371 orbit_sublattices = [ 

372 sublattices[sublattices.get_sublattice_index_from_site_index(ls.index)].symbol 

373 for ls in representative_cluster.lattice_sites] 

374 for cv_element in orbit.cluster_vector_elements: 

375 index += 1 

376 data.append(dict( 

377 index=index, 

378 order=representative_cluster.order, 

379 radius=representative_cluster.radius, 

380 multiplicity=cv_element['multiplicity'], 

381 orbit_index=orbit_index, 

382 multicomponent_vector=cv_element['multicomponent_vector'], 

383 sublattices=orbit_sublattices 

384 )) 

385 return data 


387 def to_dataframe(self) -> DataFrame: 

388 """ Returns a representation of the cluster space as a DataFrame. """ 

389 df = DataFrame.from_dict(self.as_list) 

390 del df['index'] 

391 return df 


393 @property 

394 def number_of_orbits_by_order(self) -> dict: 

395 """ Number of orbits by order in the form of a dictionary 

396 where keys and values represent order and number of orbits, 

397 respectively. 

398 """ 

399 count_orbits: Dict[int, int] = {} 

400 for orbit in self.as_list: 

401 k = orbit['order'] 

402 count_orbits[k] = count_orbits.get(k, 0) + 1 

403 return dict(sorted(count_orbits.items())) 


405 def get_cluster_vector(self, structure: Atoms) -> np.ndarray: 

406 """ 

407 Returns the cluster vector for a structure. 


409 Parameters 

410 ---------- 

411 structure 

412 Atomic configuration. 

413 """ 

414 if not isinstance(structure, Atoms): 414 ↛ 415line 414 didn't jump to line 415, because the condition on line 414 was never true

415 raise TypeError('Input structure must be an ASE Atoms object') 


417 try: 

418 cv = _ClusterSpace.get_cluster_vector( 

419 self, 

420 structure=Structure.from_atoms(structure), 

421 fractional_position_tolerance=self.fractional_position_tolerance) 

422 except Exception as e: 

423 self.assert_structure_compatibility(structure) 

424 raise Exception(str(e)) 

425 return cv 


427 def get_coordinates_of_representative_cluster(self, orbit_index: int) -> List[Tuple[float]]: 

428 """ 

429 Returns the positions of the sites in the representative cluster of the selected orbit. 


431 Parameters 

432 ---------- 

433 orbit_index 

434 Index of the orbit for which to return the positions of the sites. 

435 """ 

436 # Raise exception if chosen orbit index not in current list of orbit indices 

437 if orbit_index not in range(len(self._orbit_list)): 

438 raise ValueError('The input orbit index is not in the list of possible values.') 

439 return self._orbit_list.get_orbit(orbit_index).representative_cluster.positions 


441 def _remove_orbits(self, indices: List[int]) -> None: 

442 """ 

443 Removes orbits. 


445 Parameters 

446 ---------- 

447 indices 

448 Indices to all orbits to be removed. 

449 """ 

450 size_before = len(self._orbit_list) 


452 # Since we remove orbits, orbit indices will change, 

453 # so we run over the orbits in reverse order. 

454 for ind in reversed(sorted(indices)): 

455 self._orbit_list.remove_orbit(ind) 


457 size_after = len(self._orbit_list) 

458 assert size_before - len(indices) == size_after 


460 def prune_orbit_list(self, indices: List[int]) -> None: 

461 """ 

462 Prunes the internal orbit list and maintains the history. 


464 Parameters 

465 ---------- 

466 indices 

467 Indices to all orbits to be removed. 

468 """ 

469 self._remove_orbits(indices) 

470 self._pruning_history.append(('prune', indices)) 


472 @property 

473 def primitive_structure(self) -> Atoms: 

474 """ Primitive structure on which cluster space is based. """ 

475 structure = self._get_primitive_structure().to_atoms() 

476 # Decorate with the "real" symbols (instead of H, He, Li etc) 

477 for atom, symbols in zip(structure, self._primitive_chemical_symbols): 

478 atom.symbol = min(symbols) 

479 return structure 


481 @property 

482 def chemical_symbols(self) -> List[List[str]]: 

483 """ Species identified by their chemical symbols. """ 

484 return self._primitive_chemical_symbols.copy() 


486 @property 

487 def cutoffs(self) -> List[float]: 

488 """ 

489 Cutoffs for different n-body clusters. The cutoff radius (in 

490 Ångstroms) defines the largest interatomic distance in a 

491 cluster. 

492 """ 

493 return self._cutoffs 


495 @property 

496 def orbit_list(self): 

497 """ Orbit list that defines the cluster in the cluster space. """ 

498 return self._orbit_list 


500 def get_possible_orbit_occupations(self, orbit_index: int) -> List[List[str]]: 

501 """ Returns possible occupations of the orbit. 


503 Parameters 

504 ---------- 

505 orbit_index 

506 Index of orbit of interest. 

507 """ 

508 orbit = self.orbit_list.orbits[orbit_index] 

509 indices = [ls.index for ls in orbit.representative_cluster.lattice_sites] 

510 allowed_species = [self.chemical_symbols[index] for index in indices] 

511 return list(itertools.product(*allowed_species)) 


513 def get_sublattices(self, structure: Atoms) -> Sublattices: 

514 """ Returns the sublattices of the input structure. 


516 Parameters 

517 ---------- 

518 structure 

519 Atomic structure the sublattices are based on. 

520 """ 

521 sl = Sublattices(self.chemical_symbols, 

522 self.primitive_structure, 

523 structure, 

524 fractional_position_tolerance=self.fractional_position_tolerance) 

525 return sl 


527 def assert_structure_compatibility(self, structure: Atoms, vol_tol: float = 1e-5) -> None: 

528 """ Raises error if structure is not compatible with this cluster space. 


530 Parameters 

531 ---------- 

532 structure 

533 Structure to check for compatibility with cluster space. 

534 vol_tol 

535 Tolerance imposed when comparing volumes. 

536 """ 

537 # check volume 

538 vol1 = self.primitive_structure.get_volume() / len(self.primitive_structure) 

539 vol2 = structure.get_volume() / len(structure) 

540 if abs(vol1 - vol2) > vol_tol: 

541 raise ValueError(f'Volume per atom of structure ({vol1}) does not match the volume of' 

542 f' the primitive structure ({vol2}; vol_tol= {vol_tol}).') 


544 # check occupations 

545 sublattices = self.get_sublattices(structure) 

546 sublattices.assert_occupation_is_allowed(structure.get_chemical_symbols()) 


548 # check pbc 

549 if not all(structure.pbc): 

550 raise ValueError('Input structure must be periodic.') 


552 def merge_orbits(self, 

553 equivalent_orbits: Dict[int, List[int]], 

554 ignore_permutations: bool = False) -> None: 

555 """ Combines several orbits into one. This allows one to make custom 

556 cluster spaces by manually declaring the clusters in two or more 

557 orbits to be equivalent. This is a powerful approach for simplifying 

558 the cluster spaces of low-dimensional structures such as 

559 surfaces or nanoparticles. 


561 The procedure works in principle for any number of components. Note, 

562 however, that in the case of more than two components the outcome of 

563 the merging procedure inherits the treatment of the multi-component 

564 vectors of the orbit chosen as the representative one. 


566 Parameters 

567 ---------- 

568 equivalent_orbits 

569 The keys of this dictionary denote the indices of the orbit into 

570 which to merge. The values are the indices of the orbits that are 

571 supposed to be merged into the orbit denoted by the key. 

572 ignore_permutations 

573 If ``True`` orbits will be merged even if their multi-component 

574 vectors and/or site permutations differ. While the object will 

575 still be functional, the cluster space may not be properly spanned 

576 by the resulting cluster vectors. 


578 Note 

579 ---- 

580 The orbit index should not be confused with the index shown when 

581 printing the cluster space. 


583 Examples 

584 -------- 

585 The following snippet illustrates the use of this method to create a 

586 cluster space for a (111) FCC surface, in which only the singlets for 

587 the first and second layer are distinct as well as the in-plane pair 

588 interaction in the topmost layer. All other singlets and pairs are 

589 respectively merged into one orbit. After merging there aree only 3 

590 singlets and 2 pairs left with correspondingly higher multiplicities. 


592 >>> from icet import ClusterSpace 

593 >>> from import fcc111 

594 >>> 

595 >>> # Create primitive surface unit cell 

596 >>> structure = fcc111('Au', size=(1, 1, 8), a=4.1, vacuum=10, periodic=True) 

597 >>> 

598 >>> # Set up initial cluster space 

599 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(structure=structure, cutoffs=[3.8], chemical_symbols=['Au', 'Ag']) 

600 >>> 

601 >>> # At this point, one can inspect the orbits in the cluster space by printing the 

602 >>> # ClusterSpace object and accessing the individial orbits. 

603 >>> # There will be 4 singlets and 8 pairs. 

604 >>> 

605 >>> # Merge singlets for the third and fourth layers as well as all pairs except for 

606 >>> # the one corresponding to the in-plane interaction in the topmost surface 

607 >>> # layer. 

608 >>> cs.merge_orbits({2: [3], 4: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]}) 

609 """ 


611 self._pruning_history.append(('merge', equivalent_orbits)) 

612 orbits_to_delete = [] 

613 for k1, orbit_indices in equivalent_orbits.items(): 

614 orbit1 = self.orbit_list.get_orbit(k1) 


616 for k2 in orbit_indices: 


618 # sanity checks 

619 if k1 == k2: 

620 raise ValueError(f'Cannot merge orbit {k1} with itself.') 

621 if k2 in orbits_to_delete: 

622 raise ValueError(f'Orbit {k2} cannot be merged into orbit {k1}' 

623 ' since it was already merged with another orbit.') 

624 orbit2 = self.orbit_list.get_orbit(k2) 

625 if orbit1.order != orbit2.order: 

626 raise ValueError(f'The order of orbit {k1} ({orbit1.order}) does not' 

627 f' match the order of orbit {k2} ({orbit2.order}).') 


629 if not ignore_permutations: 

630 # compare site permutations 

631 permutations1 = [el['site_permutations'] 

632 for el in orbit1.cluster_vector_elements] 

633 permutations2 = [el['site_permutations'] 

634 for el in orbit2.cluster_vector_elements] 

635 for vec_group1, vec_group2 in zip(permutations1, permutations2): 

636 if len(vec_group1) != len(vec_group2) or \ 

637 not np.allclose(np.array(vec_group1), np.array(vec_group2)): 

638 raise ValueError(f'Orbit {k1} and orbit {k2} have different ' 

639 'site permutations.') 


641 # compare multi-component vectors (maybe this is redundant because 

642 # site permutations always differ if multi-component vectors differ?) 

643 mc_vectors1 = [el['multicomponent_vector'] 

644 for el in orbit1.cluster_vector_elements] 

645 mc_vectors2 = [el['multicomponent_vector'] 

646 for el in orbit2.cluster_vector_elements] 

647 if not all(np.allclose(vec1, vec2) 647 ↛ 649line 647 didn't jump to line 649, because the condition on line 647 was never true

648 for vec1, vec2 in zip(mc_vectors1, mc_vectors2)): 

649 raise ValueError(f'Orbit {k1} and orbit {k2} have different ' 

650 'multi-component vectors.') 


652 # merge 

653 self._merge_orbit(k1, k2) 

654 orbits_to_delete.append(k2) 


656 # update merge/prune history 

657 self._remove_orbits(orbits_to_delete) 


659 def is_supercell_self_interacting(self, structure: Atoms) -> bool: 

660 """ 

661 Checks whether a structure has self-interactions via periodic 

662 boundary conditions. 

663 Returns ``True`` if the structure contains self-interactions via periodic 

664 boundary conditions, otherwise ``False``. 


666 Parameters 

667 ---------- 

668 structure 

669 Structure to be tested. 

670 """ 

671 ol = self.orbit_list.get_supercell_orbit_list( 

672 structure=structure, 

673 fractional_position_tolerance=self.fractional_position_tolerance) 

674 orbit_indices = set() 

675 for orbit in ol.orbits: 

676 for cluster in orbit.clusters: 

677 indices = tuple(sorted([site.index for site in cluster.lattice_sites])) 

678 if indices in orbit_indices: 

679 return True 

680 else: 

681 orbit_indices.add(indices) 

682 return False 


684 def get_multiplicities(self) -> List[int]: 

685 """ 

686 Get multiplicities for each cluster space element as a list. 

687 """ 

688 return [elem['multiplicity'] for elem in self.as_list] 


690 def write(self, filename: str) -> None: 

691 """ 

692 Saves cluster space to a file. 


694 Parameters 

695 --------- 

696 filename 

697 Name of file to which to write. 

698 """ 


700 with, mode='w') as tar_file: 


702 # write items 

703 items = dict(cutoffs=self._cutoffs, 

704 chemical_symbols=self._input_chemical_symbols, 

705 pruning_history=self._pruning_history, 

706 symprec=self.symprec, 

707 position_tolerance=self.position_tolerance) 

708 temp_file = tempfile.TemporaryFile() 

709 pickle.dump(items, temp_file) 


711 tar_info = tar_file.gettarinfo(arcname='items', fileobj=temp_file) 

712 tar_file.addfile(tar_info, temp_file) 

713 temp_file.close() 


715 # write structure 

716 temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) 

717 temp_file.close() 

718 ase_write(, self._input_structure, format='json') 

719 with open(, 'rb') as tt: 

720 tar_info = tar_file.gettarinfo(arcname='atoms', fileobj=tt) 

721 tar_file.addfile(tar_info, tt) 

722 os.remove( 


724 @staticmethod 

725 def read(filename: str): 

726 """ 

727 Reads cluster space from file and returns :attr:`ClusterSpace` object. 


729 Parameters 

730 --------- 

731 filename 

732 Name of file from which to read cluster space. 

733 """ 

734 if isinstance(filename, str): 

735 tar_file ='r', name=filename) 

736 else: 

737 tar_file ='r', fileobj=filename) 


739 # read items 

740 items = pickle.load(tar_file.extractfile('items')) 


742 # read structure 

743 temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) 

744 temp_file.write(tar_file.extractfile('atoms').read()) 

745 temp_file.close() 

746 structure = ase_read(, format='json') 

747 os.remove( 


749 tar_file.close() 


751 # ensure backward compatibility 

752 if 'symprec' not in items: # pragma: no cover 

753 items['symprec'] = 1e-5 

754 if 'position_tolerance' not in items: # pragma: no cover 

755 items['position_tolerance'] = items['symprec'] 


757 cs = ClusterSpace(structure=structure, 

758 cutoffs=items['cutoffs'], 

759 chemical_symbols=items['chemical_symbols'], 

760 symprec=items['symprec'], 

761 position_tolerance=items['position_tolerance']) 

762 if len(items['pruning_history']) > 0: 

763 if isinstance(items['pruning_history'][0], tuple): 763 ↛ 772line 763 didn't jump to line 772, because the condition on line 763 was never false

764 for key, value in items['pruning_history']: 

765 if key == 'prune': 

766 cs.prune_orbit_list(value) 

767 elif key == 'merge': 767 ↛ 764line 767 didn't jump to line 764, because the condition on line 767 was never false

768 # It is safe to ignore permutations here because otherwise 

769 # the orbits could not have been merged in the first place. 

770 cs.merge_orbits(value, ignore_permutations=True) 

771 else: # for backwards compatibility 

772 for value in items['pruning_history']: 

773 cs.prune_orbit_list(value) 


775 return cs 


777 def copy(self): 

778 """ Returns copy of :class:`ClusterSpace` instance. """ 

779 cs_copy = ClusterSpace(structure=self._input_structure, 

780 cutoffs=self.cutoffs, 

781 chemical_symbols=self._input_chemical_symbols, 

782 symprec=self.symprec, 

783 position_tolerance=self.position_tolerance) 


785 for key, value in self._pruning_history: 

786 if key == 'prune': 

787 cs_copy.prune_orbit_list(value) 

788 elif key == 'merge': 788 ↛ 785line 788 didn't jump to line 785, because the condition on line 788 was never false

789 # It is safe to ignore permutations here because otherwise 

790 # the orbits could not have been merged in the first place. 

791 cs_copy.merge_orbits(value, ignore_permutations=True) 

792 return cs_copy