Coverage for icet/core/ 93%
27 statements
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2This module provides a simple wrapper of the ASE Neighbor List class,
3returning a list of Lattice Sites.
5from typing import List, Union
6from ase import Atoms
7from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList as ASENeighborList
8from .lattice_site import LatticeSite
9from .structure import Structure
12def get_neighbor_lists(structure: Union[Atoms, Structure],
13 cutoffs: List,
14 position_tolerance: float = 1e-5) -> List[List]:
15 """
16 Returns a list of :program:`icet` neighbor lists given a configuration and cutoffs.
18 Parameters
19 ----------
20 structure
21 Atomic configuration.
22 cutoffs
23 Positive floats indicating the cutoffs for the various clusters.
24 position_tolerance
25 Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates.
26 """
27 # deal with different types of structure objects
28 if isinstance(structure, Structure):
29 structure = Structure.to_atoms(structure)
30 elif not isinstance(structure, Atoms): 30 ↛ 31line 30 didn't jump to line 31, because the condition on line 30 was never true
31 msg = ['Unknown structure format']
32 msg += [f'{type(structure)} (get_neighbor_list)']
33 raise Exception(' '.join(msg))
35 neighbor_lists = []
36 for cutoff in cutoffs:
37 neighbor_list = []
38 ase_nl = ASENeighborList(len(structure)*[cutoff/2.0],
39 skin=2*position_tolerance, bothways=True,
40 self_interaction=False)
41 ase_nl.update(structure)
43 for i in range(len(structure)):
44 ase_indices, ase_offsets = ase_nl.get_neighbors(i)
45 site = []
46 # Update the final list of sites with LatticeSite objects
47 for index, offset in zip(ase_indices, ase_offsets):
48 element = LatticeSite(index, offset)
49 site.append(element)
50 # sort by unitcell_offset first
51 # have to cast to a list, since numpy array isn't iterable
52 site = sorted(site, key=lambda s: list(s.unitcell_offset))
53 # now sort by index
54 site = sorted(site, key=lambda s: s.index)
56 neighbor_list.append(site)
57 neighbor_lists.append(neighbor_list)
59 # This returns list[list[list[LatticeSite]]], which corresponds to
60 # <std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<LatticeSite>>>>
61 return neighbor_lists