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1from itertools import product 

2from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Generator, Union 


4import numpy as np 


6from ase import Atoms 

7from import make_supercell 

8from spglib import get_symmetry 

9from spglib import niggli_reduce as spg_nigg_red 


11from import ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell 

12from .structure_enumeration_support.normal_form_matrices \ 

13 import HermiteNormalForm, yield_reduced_hnfs, SmithNormalForm, get_unique_snfs 

14from .structure_enumeration_support.labeling_generation \ 

15 import LabelingGenerator 



18def _translate_labelings( 

19 labeling: tuple, 

20 snf: SmithNormalForm, 

21 nsites: int, 

22 include_self: bool = False) -> Generator[Tuple[int], None, None]: 

23 """ 

24 Yields labelings that are equivalent to the original labeling under 

25 translations as dictated by the Smith normal form (SNF) provided. 


27 Parameters 

28 ---------- 

29 labeling 

30 Labeling to be translated. 

31 snf 

32 SmithNormalForm object. 

33 nsites 

34 Number of sites in the primitive cell. 

35 include_self 

36 If ``True`` original labeling will be included. 

37 """ 


39 # Compute size of each block within which translations occur 

40 sizes = [nsites * block for block in snf.blocks] 


42 # Loop over all possible translations within group as defined by snf 

43 for trans in product(range(snf.S[0]), range(snf.S[1]), range(snf.S[2])): 

44 if not include_self and sum(trans) == 0: 

45 continue 


47 labeling_trans = () 

48 for i in range(snf.S[0]): 

49 group = (i + trans[0]) % snf.S[0] 

50 block_i = labeling[sizes[0] * group:sizes[0] * (group + 1)] 

51 for j in range(snf.S[1]): 

52 group = (j + trans[1]) % snf.S[1] 

53 block_j = block_i[sizes[1] * group:sizes[1] * (group + 1)] 

54 for k in range(snf.S[2]): 

55 group = (k + trans[2]) % snf.S[2] 

56 labeling_trans += tuple(block_j[sizes[2] * group: 

57 sizes[2] * (group + 1)]) 

58 yield labeling_trans 



61def _get_all_labelings(snf: SmithNormalForm, 

62 labeling_generator: LabelingGenerator, 

63 nsites: int) -> List[tuple]: 

64 """ 

65 Returns inequivalent labelings corresponding to a Smith normal form 

66 (SNF) matrix. Superperiodic labelings as well as labelings that are 

67 equivalent under translations for this particular SNF will not be 

68 included. However, labelings that are equivalent by rotations that 

69 leave the cell (but not the labeling) unchanged will still be 

70 included, since these have to be removed for each Hermite normal 

71 form (HNF) separately. 


73 Parameters 

74 ---------- 

75 snf 

76 SmithNormalForm object. 

77 labeling_generator 

78 :class:`LabelingGenerator` object. 

79 nsites 

80 Number of sites per primitive cell. 

81 """ 

82 labelings = [] 

83 for labeling in labeling_generator.yield_labelings(snf.ncells): 

84 unique = True 

85 for labeling_trans in _translate_labelings(labeling, snf, nsites, 

86 include_self=False): 

87 # Check whether it translates into itself. If so, 

88 # then it has been added with a smaller cell. 

89 if labeling == labeling_trans: 

90 unique = False 

91 break 


93 # Check with previous labelings, 

94 # if labeling can be translated into a previously 

95 # added labeling, then it is not unique 

96 if labeling_trans in labelings: 

97 unique = False 

98 break 

99 if unique: 

100 labelings.append(labeling) 

101 return labelings 



104def _permute_labeling(labeling: tuple, snf: SmithNormalForm, 

105 transformation: List[np.ndarray], 

106 nsites: int) -> Tuple[int]: 

107 """ 

108 Returns permuted labeling according to transformations defined by 

109 transformation. 


111 Parameters 

112 ---------- 

113 labeling 

114 Labeling to be rotated. 

115 snf 

116 SmithNormalForm object. 

117 transformation 

118 Transformation consisting of rotation, translation and basis 

119 shift. 

120 nsites 

121 Nnumber of sites in the primitive cell. 

122 """ 


124 # Calculate transformation imposed by LRL multiplication 

125 new_group_order =, transformation[0].T) 


127 # Loop over every atom to find its new position 

128 labeling_new = [0] * len(labeling) 

129 for member_index, member in enumerate(new_group_order): 


131 # Transform according to Gp, 

132 # but each site in the primitive cell also transforms in its own way 

133 for basis in range(nsites): 

134 new_cell = member + transformation[1][basis] 


136 # Calculate new index, first by finding the right block, 

137 # then by adding the basis index to that block 

138 new_index = 0 

139 for i in range(3): 

140 new_index += (new_cell[i] % snf.S[i]) * snf.blocks[i] * nsites 

141 new_index += transformation[2][basis] 


143 # Add the contribution to the hash key 

144 element = labeling[member_index * nsites + basis] 

145 labeling_new[new_index] = element 

146 return tuple(labeling_new) 



149def _yield_unique_labelings(labelings: List[int], snf: SmithNormalForm, 

150 hnf: HermiteNormalForm, nsites: int) -> tuple: 

151 """ 

152 Yields labelings that are unique in every imaginable sense. 


154 Parameters 

155 ---------- 

156 labelkeys 

157 List of hash keys to labelings that may still contain labelings 

158 that are equivalent under rotations that leave the supercell 

159 shape unchanged. 

160 snf 

161 SmithNormalForm object. 

162 hnf 

163 HermiteNormalForm object. 

164 nsites 

165 Number of sites in the primitive cell. 

166 """ 

167 saved_labelings = [] 

168 for labeling in labelings: 


170 # Check whether labeling is just a rotated version of a previous 

171 # labeling. Apply transformation that is specific to the hnf 

172 # and check all translations of the transformed labeling. 

173 unique = True 

174 for transformation in hnf.transformations: 


176 labeling_rot = _permute_labeling(labeling, snf, transformation, 

177 nsites) 


179 # Commonly, the transformation leaves the labeling 

180 # unchanged, so check that first as a special case 

181 # (yields a quite significant speedup) 

182 if labeling_rot == labeling: 

183 continue 


185 # Translate in all possible ways 

186 for labeling_rot_trans in \ 

187 _translate_labelings(labeling_rot, snf, nsites, 

188 include_self=True): 

189 if labeling_rot_trans in saved_labelings: 

190 # Then we have rotated and translated the labeling 

191 # into one that was already yielded 

192 unique = False 

193 break 

194 if not unique: 

195 break 

196 if unique: 

197 # Then we have finally found a unique structure 

198 # defined by an HNF matrix and a labeling 

199 saved_labelings.append(labeling) 

200 yield labeling 



203def _labeling_to_ase_atoms(labeling: tuple, hnf: HermiteNormalForm, 

204 cell: np.ndarray, 

205 new_cell: np.ndarray, 

206 basis: np.ndarray, chemical_symbols: List[str], 

207 pbc: List[bool]) -> Atoms: 

208 """ 

209 Returns structure object corresponding to the given labeling using 

210 labeling, HNF matrix and parent lattice. 


212 Parameters 

213 --------- 

214 labeling 

215 Permutation of index of elements. 

216 hnf 

217 HNF object defining the supercell. 

218 cell 

219 Basis vectors of primtive cell listed row-wise. 

220 new_cell 

221 new cell shape 

222 basis 

223 Scaled coordinates to all sites in the primitive cell. 

224 chemical_symbols 

225 List of elements, e.g. ``['Au', 'Ag']``. 

226 pbc 

227 Periodic boundary conditions of the primitive structure. 

228 """ 

229 a = hnf.H[0, 0] 

230 b = hnf.H[1, 0] 

231 c = hnf.H[1, 1] 

232 d = hnf.H[2, 0] 

233 e = hnf.H[2, 1] 

234 f = hnf.H[2, 2] 

235 symbols = [] 

236 positions = [] 

237 for z1 in range(a): 

238 offset_1 = (b * z1) / a 

239 for z2 in range(int(offset_1), int(offset_1 + c)): 

240 offset_2 = z1 * (d - (e * b) / c) / a + (e * z2) / c 

241 for z3 in range(int(offset_2), int(f + offset_2)): 

242 for basis_vector_i, basis_vector in enumerate(basis): 


244 # Determine position in Cartesian coordinates 

245 pos =, np.array([z1, z2, z3]) + basis_vector) 

246 positions.append(pos) 


248 # Now determine which species this is 

249 g =, [z1, z2, z3]) 

250 assert np.allclose(g, np.round(g)) 

251 g = np.round(g).astype('int64') 

252 g = [g[i] % hnf.snf.S[i] for i in range(3)] 

253 ind = len(basis) * (g[0] * hnf.snf.S[1] * hnf.snf.S[2] + 

254 g[1] * hnf.snf.S[2] + g[2]) + basis_vector_i 

255 symbols.append(chemical_symbols[labeling[ind]]) 

256 structure = Atoms(symbols, positions, cell=new_cell, pbc=(True, True, True)) 

257 structure.wrap() 

258 structure.pbc = pbc 

259 return structure 



262def _get_symmetry_operations(structure: Atoms, 

263 symprec: float, 

264 position_tolerance: float) -> Dict[str, list]: 

265 """ 

266 Returns symmetry operations permissable for a given structure as 

267 obtained via `spglib <>`_. The 

268 symmetry operations consist of three parts: rotation, translation 

269 and basis shifts. The latter define the way that sublattices 

270 shift upon rotation (correponds to `d_Nd` in [HarFor09]_). 


272 Parameters 

273 ---------- 

274 structure 

275 Structure for which symmetry operations are sought. 

276 symprec 

277 Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. 

278 position_tolerance 

279 Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates. 

280 """ 

281 symmetries = get_symmetry(ase_atoms_to_spglib_cell(structure), symprec=symprec) 

282 assert symmetries, ('spglib.get_symmetry() failed. Please make sure that' 

283 ' the structure object is sensible.') 

284 rotations = symmetries['rotations'] 

285 translations = symmetries['translations'] 


287 basis = structure.get_scaled_positions() 


289 # Calculate how atoms within the primitive cell are shifted (from one site 

290 # to another) and translated (from one primtive cell to another) upon 

291 # operation with rotation matrix. Note that the translations are needed 

292 # here because different sites translate differently. 

293 basis_shifts = np.zeros((len(rotations), len(structure)), dtype='int64') 

294 sites_translations = [] 

295 for i, rotation in enumerate(rotations): 

296 translation = translations[i] 

297 site_translations = [] 

298 for j, basis_element in enumerate(basis): 


300 # Calculate how the site is transformed when operated on by 

301 # symmetry of parent lattice (rotation and translation) 

302 site_rot_trans =, basis_element) + translation 


304 # The site may now have been moved to a different site in a 

305 # different cell. We want to separate the two. (In HarFor09, 

306 # basis_shift (site_rot_trans) corresponds to d_Nd and 

307 # site_translation to t_Nd) 

308 site_translation = [0, 0, 0] 

309 for index in range(3): 

310 while site_rot_trans[index] < -position_tolerance: 

311 site_rot_trans[index] += 1 

312 site_translation[index] -= 1 

313 while site_rot_trans[index] > 1 - position_tolerance: 

314 site_rot_trans[index] -= 1 

315 site_translation[index] += 1 

316 site_translations.append(site_translation) 


318 # Find the basis element that the shifted basis correponds to 

319 found = False 

320 for basis_index, basis_element_comp in enumerate(basis): 

321 distance = site_rot_trans - basis_element_comp 


323 # Make sure that they do not differ with a basis vector 

324 for dist_comp_i, dist_comp in enumerate(distance): 

325 if abs(abs(dist_comp) - 1) < position_tolerance: 325 ↛ 326line 325 didn't jump to line 326, because the condition on line 325 was never true

326 distance[dist_comp_i] = 0 


328 if (abs(distance) < position_tolerance).all(): 

329 assert not found 

330 basis_shifts[i, j] = basis_index 

331 found = True 

332 assert found 


334 sites_translations.append(np.array(site_translations)) 


336 symmetries['translations'] = sites_translations 

337 symmetries['basis_shifts'] = basis_shifts 

338 return symmetries 



341def enumerate_structures(structure: Atoms, 

342 sizes: Union[List[int], range], 

343 chemical_symbols: list, 

344 concentration_restrictions: dict = None, 

345 niggli_reduce: bool = None, 

346 symprec: float = 1e-5, 

347 position_tolerance: float = None) -> Atoms: 

348 """ 

349 Yields a sequence of enumerated structures. The function generates 

350 *all* inequivalent structures that are permissible given a certain 

351 lattice. Using the :attr:`chemical_symbols` and 

352 :attr:`concentration_restrictions` keyword arguments it is possible to 

353 specify which chemical_symbols are to be included on which site and 

354 in which concentration range. 


356 The function is sensitive to the boundary conditions of the input 

357 structure. An enumeration of, for example, a surface can thus be 

358 performed by setting :attr:`structure.pbc = [True, True, False]`. 


360 The algorithm implemented here was developed by Gus L. W. Hart and 

361 Rodney W. Forcade in Phys. Rev. B **77**, 224115 (2008) 

362 [HarFor08]_ and Phys. Rev. B **80**, 014120 (2009) [HarFor09]_. 


364 Parameters 

365 ---------- 

366 structure 

367 Primitive structure from which derivative superstructures should 

368 be generated. 

369 sizes 

370 Number of sites (included in enumeration). 

371 chemical_symbols 

372 Chemical species with which to decorate the structure, e.g., 

373 ``['Au', 'Ag']``; see below for more examples. 

374 concentration_restrictions 

375 Allowed concentration range for one or more element in 

376 :attr:`chemical_symbols`, e.g., ``{'Au': (0, 0.2)}`` will only 

377 enumerate structures in which the Au content is between 0 and 

378 20 %. Here, concentration is always defined as the number of 

379 atoms of the specified kind divided by the number of *all* 

380 atoms. 

381 niggli_reduction 

382 If ``True`` perform a Niggli reduction with spglib for each 

383 structure. The default is ``True`` if :attr:`structure` is periodic in 

384 all directions, ``False`` otherwise. 

385 symprec 

386 Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. 

387 position_tolerance 

388 Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates; 

389 by default this value is set equal to :attr:`symprec`. 


391 Examples 

392 -------- 


394 The following code snippet illustrates how to enumerate structures 

395 with up to 6 atoms in the unit cell for a binary alloy without any 

396 constraints:: 


398 >>> from import bulk 

399 >>> prim = bulk('Ag') 

400 >>> for structure in enumerate_structures(structure=prim, 

401 ... sizes=range(1, 5), 

402 ... chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au']): 

403 ... pass # Do something with the structure 


405 To limit the concentration range to 10 to 40% Au the code should 

406 be modified as follows:: 


408 >>> conc_restr = {'Au': (0.1, 0.4)} 

409 >>> for structure in enumerate_structures(structure=prim, 

410 ... sizes=range(1, 5), 

411 ... chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au'], 

412 ... concentration_restrictions=conc_restr): 

413 ... pass # Do something with the structure 


415 Often one would like to consider mixing on only one 

416 sublattice. This can be achieved as illustrated for a 

417 Ga(1-x)Al(x)As alloy as follows:: 


419 >>> prim = bulk('GaAs', crystalstructure='zincblende', a=5.65) 

420 >>> for structure in enumerate_structures(structure=prim, 

421 ... sizes=range(1, 9), 

422 ... chemical_symbols=[['Ga', 'Al'], ['As']]): 

423 ... pass # Do something with the structure 


425 """ 


427 if position_tolerance is None: 427 ↛ 430line 427 didn't jump to line 430, because the condition on line 427 was never false

428 position_tolerance = symprec 


430 nsites = len(structure) 

431 basis = structure.get_scaled_positions() 


433 # Construct descriptor of where species are allowed to be 

434 if isinstance(chemical_symbols[0], str): 

435 iter_chemical_symbols = [tuple(range(len(chemical_symbols)))] * nsites 

436 elements = chemical_symbols 

437 elif len(chemical_symbols) == nsites: 

438 assert isinstance(chemical_symbols[0][0], str) 

439 elements = [] 

440 for site in chemical_symbols: 

441 for element in site: 

442 if element not in elements: 

443 elements.append(element) 

444 iter_chemical_symbols = [] 

445 for site in chemical_symbols: 

446 iter_chemical_symbols.append(tuple(elements.index(i) 

447 for i in site)) 

448 else: 

449 raise Exception('chemical_symbols needs to be a list of strings ' 

450 'or a list of list of strings.') 


452 # Adapt concentration restrictions to iter_chemical_symbols 

453 if concentration_restrictions: 

454 concentrations = {} 

455 for key, concentration_range in concentration_restrictions.items(): 

456 assert len(concentration_range) == 2, \ 

457 ('Each concentration range' + 

458 ' needs to be specified as (c_low, c_high)') 

459 if key not in elements: 459 ↛ 460line 459 didn't jump to line 460, because the condition on line 459 was never true

460 raise ValueError('{} found in concentration_restrictions but' 

461 ' not in chemical_symbols'.format(key)) 

462 concentrations[elements.index(key)] = concentration_range 

463 else: 

464 concentrations = None 


466 # Construct labeling generator 

467 labeling_generator = LabelingGenerator(iter_chemical_symbols, 

468 concentrations) 


470 # Niggli reduce by default if all directions have 

471 # periodic boundary conditions 

472 if niggli_reduce is None: 472 ↛ 475line 472 didn't jump to line 475, because the condition on line 472 was never false

473 niggli_reduce = (sum(structure.pbc) == 3) 


475 symmetries = _get_symmetry_operations(structure, 

476 symprec=symprec, 

477 position_tolerance=position_tolerance) 


479 # Loop over each cell size 

480 for ncells in sizes: 

481 if ncells == 0: 481 ↛ 482line 481 didn't jump to line 482, because the condition on line 481 was never true

482 continue 


484 hnfs = list(yield_reduced_hnfs(ncells, symmetries, structure.pbc)) 

485 snfs = get_unique_snfs(hnfs) 


487 for snf in snfs: 

488 labelings = _get_all_labelings(snf, labeling_generator, nsites) 

489 for hnf in snf.hnfs: 

490 if niggli_reduce: 

491 new_cell = spg_nigg_red(, structure.cell)) 

492 if new_cell is None: 492 ↛ 493line 492 didn't jump to line 493, because the condition on line 492 was never true

493 new_cell =, structure.cell) 

494 else: 

495 new_cell =, structure.cell) 

496 for labeling in _yield_unique_labelings(labelings, snf, hnf, 

497 nsites): 

498 yield _labeling_to_ase_atoms(labeling, hnf, 

499 structure.cell, new_cell, 

500 basis, elements, 

501 structure.pbc) 



504def enumerate_supercells(structure: Atoms, 

505 sizes: Union[List[int], range], 

506 niggli_reduce: bool = None, 

507 symprec: float = 1e-5, 

508 position_tolerance: float = None) -> Atoms: 

509 """ 

510 Yields a sequence of enumerated supercells. The function generates 

511 *all* inequivalent supercells that are permissible given a certain 

512 lattice. Any supercell can be reduced to one of the supercells 

513 generated. 


515 The function is sensitive to the boundary conditions of the input 

516 structure. An enumeration of, for example, a surface can thus be 

517 performed by setting :attr:`structure.pbc = [True, True, False]`. 


519 The algorithm is based on Gus L. W. Hart and 

520 Rodney W. Forcade in Phys. Rev. B **77**, 224115 (2008) 

521 [HarFor08]_ and Phys. Rev. B **80**, 014120 (2009) [HarFor09]_. 


523 Parameters 

524 ---------- 

525 structure 

526 Primitive structure from which supercells should be generated. 

527 sizes 

528 Number of sites (included in enumeration). 

529 niggli_reduction 

530 If ``True`` perform a Niggli reduction with spglib for each 

531 supercell. The default is ``True`` if :attr:`structure` is periodic in 

532 all directions, ``False`` otherwise. 

533 symprec 

534 Tolerance imposed when analyzing the symmetry using spglib. 

535 position_tolerance 

536 Tolerance applied when comparing positions in Cartesian coordinates. 

537 By default this value is set equal to :attr:`symprec`. 


539 Examples 

540 -------- 


542 The following code snippet illustrates how to enumerate supercells 

543 with up to 6 atoms in the unit cell:: 


545 >>> from import bulk 

546 >>> prim = bulk('Ag') 

547 >>> for supercell in enumerate_supercells(structure=prim, sizes=range(1, 7)): 

548 ... pass # Do something with the supercell 


550 """ 


552 if position_tolerance is None: 552 ↛ 557line 552 didn't jump to line 557, because the condition on line 552 was never false

553 position_tolerance = symprec 


555 # Niggli reduce by default if all directions have 

556 # periodic boundary conditions 

557 if niggli_reduce is None: 

558 niggli_reduce = (sum(structure.pbc) == 3) 


560 symmetries = _get_symmetry_operations(structure, 

561 symprec=symprec, 

562 position_tolerance=position_tolerance) 


564 for ncells in sizes: 

565 for hnf in yield_reduced_hnfs(ncells, symmetries, structure.pbc): 

566 supercell = make_supercell(structure, hnf.H.T) 

567 if niggli_reduce: 

568 new_cell = spg_nigg_red(, structure.cell)) 

569 if new_cell is None: # Happens when spglib fails to Niggli reduce 569 ↛ 570line 569 didn't jump to line 570, because the condition on line 569 was never true

570 yield supercell 

571 else: 

572 Pprim =, np.linalg.inv(structure.cell)) 

573 yield make_supercell(structure, Pprim) 

574 else: 

575 yield supercell