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1from collections import namedtuple 

2from typing import Dict 


4import numpy as np 


6from ase import Atoms 

7from icet import ClusterSpace 

8from mchammer.observers import ClusterCountObserver 

9from mchammer.observers.base_observer import BaseObserver 


11ClusterCountInfo = namedtuple('ClusterCountInfo', ['counts', 'dc_tags']) 



14class BinaryShortRangeOrderObserver(BaseObserver): 

15 """ 

16 This class represents a short range order (SRO) observer for a 

17 binary system. 


19 Parameters 

20 ---------- 

21 cluster_space 

22 Cluster space used for initialization. 

23 structure 

24 Defines the lattice which the observer will work on. 

25 radius 

26 The maximum radius for the neigbhor shells considered. 

27 interval 

28 Observation interval. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that if the 

29 observer is used in a Monte Carlo simulations, then the :class:`Ensemble` object 

30 will determine the interval. 


32 Example 

33 ------- 

34 The following snippet illustrates how to use the short-range order (SRO) 

35 observer in a Monte Carlo simulation of a bulk supercell. Here, the 

36 parameters of the cluster expansion are set to emulate a simple Ising model 

37 in order to obtain an example that can be run without modification. In 

38 practice, one should of course use a proper cluster expansion:: 


40 >>> from import bulk 

41 >>> from icet import ClusterExpansion, ClusterSpace 

42 >>> from mchammer.calculators import ClusterExpansionCalculator 

43 >>> from mchammer.ensembles import CanonicalEnsemble 

44 >>> from mchammer.observers import BinaryShortRangeOrderObserver 


46 >>> # prepare cluster expansion 

47 >>> # the setup emulates a second nearest-neighbor (NN) Ising model 

48 >>> # (zerolet and singlet ECIs are zero; only first and second neighbor 

49 >>> # pairs are included) 

50 >>> prim = bulk('Au') 

51 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(prim, cutoffs=[4.3], chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au']) 

52 >>> ce = ClusterExpansion(cs, [0, 0, 0.1, -0.02]) 


54 >>> # prepare initial configuration 

55 >>> nAg = 10 

56 >>> structure = prim.repeat(3) 

57 >>> structure.set_chemical_symbols(nAg * ['Ag'] + (len(structure) - nAg) * ['Au']) 


59 >>> # set up MC simulation 

60 >>> calc = ClusterExpansionCalculator(structure, ce) 

61 >>> mc = CanonicalEnsemble(structure=structure, calculator=calc, temperature=600, 

62 ... dc_filename='myrun_sro.dc') 


64 >>> # set up observer and attach it to the MC simulation 

65 >>> sro = BinaryShortRangeOrderObserver(cs, structure, interval=len(structure), 

66 radius=4.3) 

67 >>> mc.attach_observer(sro) 


69 >>> # run 1000 trial steps 

70 >>> 


72 After having run this snippet one can access the SRO parameters via the 

73 data container:: 


75 >>> print( 

76 """ 


78 def __init__(self, cluster_space, structure: Atoms, 

79 radius: float, interval: int = None) -> None: 

80 super().__init__(interval=interval, return_type=dict, 

81 tag='BinaryShortRangeOrderObserver') 


83 self._structure = structure 


85 self._cluster_space = ClusterSpace( 

86 structure=cluster_space.primitive_structure, 

87 cutoffs=[radius], 

88 chemical_symbols=cluster_space.chemical_symbols) 

89 self._cluster_count_observer = ClusterCountObserver( 

90 cluster_space=self._cluster_space, structure=structure, 

91 interval=interval) 


93 self._sublattices = self._cluster_space.get_sublattices(structure) 

94 binary_sublattice_counts = 0 

95 for symbols in self._sublattices.allowed_species: 

96 if len(symbols) == 2: 

97 binary_sublattice_counts += 1 

98 self._symbols = sorted(symbols) 

99 elif len(symbols) > 2: 

100 raise ValueError('Cluster space has more than two allowed' 

101 ' species on a sublattice. ' 

102 'Allowed species: {}'.format(symbols)) 

103 if binary_sublattice_counts != 1: 

104 raise ValueError('Number of binary sublattices must equal one,' 

105 ' not {}'.format(binary_sublattice_counts)) 


107 def get_observable(self, structure: Atoms) -> Dict[str, float]: 

108 """Returns the value of the property from a cluster expansion 

109 model for a given atomic configurations. 


111 Parameters 

112 ---------- 

113 structure 

114 Input atomic structure. 

115 """ 


117 df = self._cluster_count_observer.get_cluster_counts(structure) 


119 symbol_counts = self._get_atom_count(structure) 

120 conc_B = self._get_concentrations(structure)[self._symbols[0]] 


122 pair_orbit_indices = set( 

123 df.loc[df['order'] == 2]['orbit_index'].tolist()) 

124 N = symbol_counts[self._symbols[0]] + symbol_counts[self._symbols[1]] 

125 sro_parameters = {} 

126 for k, orbit_index in enumerate(sorted(pair_orbit_indices)): 

127 orbit_df = df.loc[df['orbit_index'] == orbit_index] 

128 A_B_pair_count = 0 

129 total_count = 0 

130 total_A_count = 0 

131 for i, row in orbit_df.iterrows(): 

132 total_count += row.cluster_count 

133 if self._symbols[0] in row.occupation: 

134 total_A_count += row.cluster_count 

135 if self._symbols[0] in row.occupation and \ 

136 self._symbols[1] in row.occupation: 

137 A_B_pair_count += row.cluster_count 


139 key = 'sro_{}_{}'.format(self._symbols[0], k+1) 

140 Z_tot = symbol_counts[self._symbols[0]] * 2 * total_count / N 

141 if conc_B == 1 or Z_tot == 0: 141 ↛ 142line 141 didn't jump to line 142, because the condition on line 141 was never true

142 value = 0 

143 else: 

144 value = 1 - A_B_pair_count/(Z_tot * (1-conc_B)) 

145 sro_parameters[key] = value 


147 return sro_parameters 


149 def _get_concentrations(self, structure: Atoms) -> Dict[str, float]: 

150 """Returns concentrations for each species relative its sublattice. 


152 Parameters 

153 ---------- 

154 structure 

155 The configuration to be analyzed. 

156 """ 

157 occupation = np.array(structure.get_chemical_symbols()) 

158 concentrations = {} 

159 for sublattice in self._sublattices: 

160 if len(sublattice.chemical_symbols) == 1: 160 ↛ 161line 160 didn't jump to line 161, because the condition on line 160 was never true

161 continue 

162 for symbol in sublattice.chemical_symbols: 

163 symbol_count = occupation[sublattice.indices].tolist().count( 

164 symbol) 

165 concentration = symbol_count / len(sublattice.indices) 

166 concentrations[symbol] = concentration 

167 return concentrations 


169 def _get_atom_count(self, structure: Atoms) -> Dict[str, float]: 

170 """Returns atom counts for each species relative its sublattice. 


172 Parameters 

173 ---------- 

174 structure 

175 The configuration to be analyzed. 

176 """ 

177 occupation = np.array(structure.get_chemical_symbols()) 

178 counts = {} 

179 for sublattice in self._sublattices: 

180 if len(sublattice.chemical_symbols) == 1: 180 ↛ 181line 180 didn't jump to line 181, because the condition on line 180 was never true

181 continue 

182 for symbol in sublattice.chemical_symbols: 

183 symbol_count = occupation[sublattice.indices].tolist().count( 

184 symbol) 

185 counts[symbol] = symbol_count 

186 return counts