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1from import Sequence 

2from typing import Dict, List, Tuple 

3import numpy as np 

4from ase import Atoms 

5from import chemical_symbols 

6from mchammer.observers.base_observer import BaseObserver 

7from icet.input_output.logging_tools import logger 

8logger = logger.getChild('structure_factor_observer') 



11class StructureFactorObserver(BaseObserver): 

12 r"""This class represents a structure factor observer. 


14 This observer allows one to compute structure factors along the 

15 trajectory sampled by a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Structure 

16 factors are convenient for monitoring long-range order. The 

17 `structure factor <>`_ 

18 is defined as: 


20 .. math:: 


22 S(\vec{q}) = \frac{1}{\sum_{j=1}^N f_j^2} 

23 \sum_{j,k}^N e^{-i \vec{q} \cdot (\vec{R}_k - \vec{R}_j)} 


25 In addition to this "total" structure factor, this observer 

26 calculates pair-specific structure factors, which correspond to parts 

27 of the summation defined above, with the summation restricted to pairs 

28 of specific types, e.g., Au-Au, Au-Cu and Cu-Cu in the example below. 


30 Parameters 

31 ---------- 

32 structure 

33 Prototype for the structures for which the structure factor will 

34 be computed later. The supercell size (but not its decoration) 

35 must be identical. This structure is also used to determine the 

36 the possible pairs if :attr:`symbol_pairs=None`. 

37 q_points 

38 Array of q-points at which to evaluate the structure factor. 

39 The q-points need to be compatible with the supercell in order 

40 for the structure factor to be real. 

41 symbol_pairs 

42 List of symbol pairs for which structure factors will be computed, 

43 e.g., ``[('Al', 'Cu'), ('Al', 'Al')]``. If ``None`` (default) use all 

44 pairs possible based on the input structure. 

45 form_factors 

46 Form factors for each atom type. This can be used to 

47 (coarsely) simulate X-ray or neutron spectra. Note that in 

48 general the form factors are q-dependent, see, e.g., `here 

49 <>`__ and `here 

50 < 

51 xrdebye.html#ase.utils.xrdebye.XrDebye.get_waasmaier>`__. By 

52 default (``None``) all form factors are set to 1. 

53 interval 

54 Observation interval. Defaults to ``None`` meaning that if the 

55 observer is used in a Monte Carlo simulation, the :class:`Ensemble` object 

56 will determine the interval. 


58 Raises 

59 ------ 

60 ValueError 

61 If q-point is not consistent with metric of input structure. 


63 Example 

64 ------- 

65 The following snippet illustrates how to use the structure factor 

66 observer in a simulated annealing run of dummy Cu-Au model to 

67 observe the emergence of a long-range ordered :math:`L1_2` structure:: 


69 >>> import numpy as np 

70 >>> from import bulk 

71 >>> from icet import ClusterSpace, ClusterExpansion 

72 >>> from mchammer.calculators import ClusterExpansionCalculator 

73 >>> from mchammer.ensembles import CanonicalAnnealing 

74 >>> from mchammer.observers import StructureFactorObserver 


76 >>> # parameters 

77 >>> size = 3 

78 >>> alat = 4.0 

79 >>> symbols = ['Cu', 'Au'] 


81 >>> # setup 

82 >>> prim = bulk('Cu', a=alat, cubic=True) 

83 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(prim, [0.9*alat], symbols) 

84 >>> ce = ClusterExpansion(cs, [0, 0, 0.2]) 


86 >>> # make supercell 

87 >>> supercell = prim.repeat(size) 

88 >>> ns = int(0.25 * len(supercell)) 

89 >>> supercell.symbols[0:ns] = 'Au' 

90 >>> np.random.shuffle(supercell.symbols) 


92 >>> # define q-points to sample 

93 >>> q_points = [] 

94 >>> q_points.append(2 * np.pi / alat * np.array([1, 0, 0])) 

95 >>> q_points.append(2 * np.pi / alat * np.array([0, 1, 0])) 

96 >>> q_points.append(2 * np.pi / alat * np.array([0, 0, 1])) 


98 >>> # set up structure factor observer 

99 >>> sfo = StructureFactorObserver(supercell, q_points) 


101 >>> # run simulation 

102 >>> calc = ClusterExpansionCalculator(supercell, ce) 

103 >>> mc = CanonicalAnnealing(supercell, calc, 

104 ... T_start=900, T_stop=500, cooling_function='linear', 

105 ... n_steps=400*len(supercell)) 

106 >>> mc.attach_observer(sfo) 

107 >>> 


109 After having run this snippet, one can access the structure factors via the data 

110 container:: 


112 >>> dc = mc.data_container 

113 >>> print( 


115 The emergence of the ordered low-temperature structure can be monitored by 

116 following the temperature dependence of any of the pair-specific structure 

117 factors. 


119 """ 


121 def __init__(self, 

122 structure: Atoms, 

123 q_points: List[Sequence], 

124 symbol_pairs: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None, 

125 form_factors: Dict[str, float] = None, 

126 interval: int = None) -> None: 

127 super().__init__(interval=interval, return_type=dict, tag='StructureFactorObserver') 


129 self._original_structure = structure.copy() 

130 self._q_points = q_points 

131 self._Sq_lookup = self._get_Sq_lookup(structure, q_points) 


133 if symbol_pairs is not None: 

134 self._pairs = symbol_pairs 

135 else: 

136 self._pairs = [(e1, e2) 

137 for e1 in set(structure.symbols) 

138 for e2 in set(structure.symbols)] 

139 self._pairs = sorted(set([tuple(sorted(p)) for p in self._pairs])) 

140 if len(self._pairs) == 0: 

141 raise ValueError('The StructureFactorObserver requires ' 

142 'at least one pair to be defined') 

143 if len(self._pairs) == 1 and self._pairs[0][0] == self._pairs[0][1]: 

144 logger.warning(f'Only one pair requested {self._pairs[0]}; ' 

145 'use either a structure occupied by more than ' 

146 'one species or use the symbol_pairs argument ' 

147 'to specify more pairs.') 


149 self._unique_symbols = set(sorted([s for p in self._pairs for s in p])) 

150 if form_factors is not None: 

151 self._form_factors = form_factors 

152 else: 

153 self._form_factors = {s: 1 for s in self._unique_symbols} 

154 self._form_factors = dict(sorted(self._form_factors.items())) 


156 for symbol in self._unique_symbols: 

157 if symbol not in chemical_symbols: 

158 raise ValueError(f'Unknown species {symbol}') 

159 if symbol not in self._form_factors: 

160 raise ValueError(f'Form factor missing for {symbol}') 


162 for symbol, ff in self._form_factors.items(): 

163 if ff == 0: 

164 raise ValueError(f'Form factor for {symbol} is zero') 


166 def _get_Sq_lookup(self, 

167 structure: Atoms, 

168 q_points: List[Sequence]) -> np.ndarray: 

169 """ Get S(q) lookup data for a given supercell and q-points. """ 

170 n_atoms = len(structure) 

171 Sq_lookup = np.zeros((n_atoms, n_atoms, len(self._q_points)), dtype=np.complex128) 

172 for i in range(n_atoms): 

173 inds = [f for f in range(i, n_atoms)] 

174 dist_vectors = structure.get_distances(i, inds, mic=True, vector=True) 

175 for j in range(i, n_atoms): 

176 Rij = dist_vectors[j - i] 

177 Sq_lookup[i, j, :] = np.exp(-1j *, Rij)) 

178 Sq_lookup[j, i, :] = np.exp(-1j *, -Rij)) 

179 return Sq_lookup 


181 def _get_indices(self, 

182 structure: Atoms) -> Dict[str, List[int]]: 

183 """Returns the indices of all atoms by type considering all unique 

184 atom types in the structure used to instantiate the observer object. 

185 """ 

186 indices = dict() 

187 symbols = structure.get_chemical_symbols() 

188 for symbol in self._unique_symbols: 

189 indices[symbol] = np.where(np.array(symbols) == symbol)[0] 

190 return indices 


192 def _compute_structure_factor(self, 

193 structure: Atoms) -> Dict[Tuple[str, str], float]: 

194 indices = self._get_indices(structure) 

195 norm = np.sum([self._form_factors[sym] ** 2 * len(lst) for sym, lst in indices.items()]) 

196 if norm <= 0: 

197 prefactor = 0 # occurs if none of the specified atom types are present in the structure 

198 else: 

199 prefactor = 1 / norm 


201 Sq_dict = dict() 

202 for sym1, sym2 in self._pairs: 

203 inds1 = indices[sym1] 

204 inds2 = indices[sym2] 

205 norm = prefactor * self._form_factors[sym1] * self._form_factors[sym2] 

206 Sq = np.zeros(len(self._q_points), dtype=np.complex128) 

207 if len(inds1) != 0 and len(inds2) != 0: 

208 for i in inds1: 

209 Sq += self._Sq_lookup[i, inds2].sum(axis=0) * norm 

210 if sym1 == sym2: 

211 # the imaginary part must be zero because both ij and ji appear in the sum 

212 Sq_dict[(sym1, sym2)] = Sq.real 

213 else: 

214 # since we only consider A-B (not B-A; see __init__) we explicitly add ij and ji, 

215 # which comes down to adding the complex conjugate 

216 Sq_dict[(sym1, sym2)] = np.real(Sq + Sq.conj()) 

217 return Sq_dict 


219 def get_observable(self, 

220 structure: Atoms) -> Dict[str, float]: 

221 """Returns the structure factors for a given atomic configuration. 


223 Parameters 

224 ---------- 

225 structure 

226 Input atomic structure. 


228 Raises 

229 ------ 

230 ValueError 

231 If the input structure is incompatible with structure used 

232 for initialization of the :class:`StructureFactorObserver`. 

233 """ 

234 if len(structure) != len(self._original_structure): 

235 raise ValueError('Input structure incompatible with structure used for initialization\n' 

236 f' n_input: {len(structure)}\n' 

237 f' n_original: {len(self._original_structure)}') 

238 Sq_dict = self._compute_structure_factor(structure) 

239 return_dict = dict() 

240 for pair, Sq in Sq_dict.items(): 

241 for i in range(len(Sq)): 

242 tag = 'sfo_{}_{}_q{}'.format(*pair, i) 

243 return_dict[tag] = Sq[i] 

244 return_dict[f'total_q{i}'] = return_dict.get(f'total_q{i}', 0) + Sq[i] 

245 return_dict = dict(sorted(return_dict.items())) 

246 return return_dict 


248 @property 

249 def form_factors(self) -> Dict[str, float]: 

250 """ Form factors used in structure factor calculation. """ 

251 return self._form_factors.copy() 


253 @property 

254 def q_points(self) -> List[np.ndarray]: 

255 """ q-points for which structure factor is calculated. """ 

256 return self._q_points.copy() 


258 def __str__(self) -> str: 

259 """ String representation of observer object. """ 

260 width = 60 

261 name = self.__class__.__name__ 

262 s = [' {} '.format(name).center(width, '=')] 


264 fmt = '{:15} : {}' 

265 s += [fmt.format('tag', self.tag)] 

266 s += [fmt.format('return_type', self.return_type)] 

267 s += [fmt.format('interval', self.interval)] 

268 s += [fmt.format('pairs', self._pairs)] 

269 s += [fmt.format('form_factors', self.form_factors)] 

270 for k, qpt in enumerate(self.q_points): 

271 s += [fmt.format(f'q-point{k}', qpt)] 

272 return '\n'.join(s)