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2Definition of the variance-constrained semi-grand canonical ensemble class. 



5from ase import Atoms 

6from import atomic_numbers, chemical_symbols 

7from ase.units import kB 

8from typing import Dict, Union, List 


10from .. import DataContainer 

11from ..calculators.base_calculator import BaseCalculator 

12from .thermodynamic_base_ensemble import ThermodynamicBaseEnsemble 



15class VCSGCEnsemble(ThermodynamicBaseEnsemble): 

16 r"""Instances of this class allow one to simulate systems in the 

17 variance-constrained semi-grand canonical (VCSGC) ensemble 

18 (:math:`N\phi\kappa VT`), i.e. at constant temperature (:math:`T`), total 

19 number of sites (:math:`N=\sum_i N_i`), and two additional dimensionless 

20 parameters :math:`\phi` and :math:`\kappa`, which constrain average and 

21 variance of the concentration, respectively. 


23 The below examples treat the binary case, but the generalization of 

24 to ternaries and higher-order systems is straight-forward. 

25 The probability for a particular state in the VCSGC ensemble for a 

26 :math:`2`-component system can be written 


28 .. math:: 


30 \rho_{\text{VCSGC}} \propto \exp\Big[ - E / k_B T 

31 + \kappa N ( c_1 + \phi_1 / 2 )^2 \Big], 


33 where :math:`c_1` represents the concentration of species 1, i.e., 

34 :math:`c_1=N_1/N`. (Please note that the quantities :math:`\kappa` and 

35 :math:`\phi` correspond, respectively, to :math:`\bar{\kappa}` and 

36 :math:`\bar{\phi}` in [SadErh12]_.) The :math:`\phi` may refer to any 

37 of the two species. If :math:`\phi` is specified for species A, an 

38 equivalent simulation can be carried out by specifying :math:`\phi_B` as 

39 :math:`-2-\phi_A`. In general, simulations of :math:`N`-component 

40 systems requires the specification of :math:`\phi` for :math:`N-1` 

41 elements. 


43 Just like the :ref:`semi-grand canonical ensemble <canonical_ensemble>`, 

44 the VCSGC ensemble allows concentrations to change. A trial step consists 

45 of changing the identity of a randomly chosen atom and accepting the change 

46 with probability 


48 .. math:: 


50 P = \min \{ 1, \, \exp [ - \Delta E / k_B T 

51 + \kappa N \Delta c_1 (\phi_1 + \Delta c_1 + 2 c_1 ) ] \}. 


53 Note that for a sufficiently large value of :math:`\kappa`, say 200, the 

54 probability density :math:`\rho_{\text{VCSGC}}` is sharply peaked around 

55 :math:`c_1=-\phi_1 / 2`. In practice, this means that we can gradually 

56 change :math:`\phi_1` from (using some margins) :math:`-2.1` to 

57 :math:`0.1` and take the system continuously from :math:`c_1 = 0` to 

58 :math:`1`. The parameter :math:`\kappa` constrains the fluctuations (or 

59 the variance) of the concentration at each value of :math:`\phi_1`, with 

60 higher values of :math:`\kappa` meaning less fluctuations. Unlike the 

61 :ref:`semi-grand canonical ensemble <sgc_ensemble>`, one value of 

62 :math:`\phi_1` maps to one and only one concentration also in multiphase 

63 regions. Since the derivative of the canonical free energy can be expressed 

64 in terms of parameters and observables of the VCSGC ensemble, 


66 .. math:: 


68 k_B T \kappa ( \phi_1 + 2 \langle c_1 \rangle ) = - \frac{1}{N} 

69 \frac{\partial F}{\partial c_1} (N, V, T, \langle c_1 \rangle ), 


71 this ensemble allows for thermodynamic integration across multiphase 

72 regions. This means that we can construct phase diagrams by directly 

73 comparing the free energies of the different phases. This often makes the 

74 VCSGC ensemble more convenient than the :ref:`semi-grand canonical ensemble 

75 <sgc_ensemble>` when simulating materials with multiphase regions, such as 

76 alloys with miscibility gaps. 


78 When using the VCSGC ensemble, please cite 

79 Phys. Rev. B **86**, 134204 (2012) [SadErh12]_. 


81 Parameters 

82 ---------- 

83 structure 

84 Atomic configuration to be used in the Monte Carlo simulation; 

85 also defines the initial occupation vector. 

86 calculator 

87 Calculator to be used for calculating the potential changes 

88 that enter the evaluation of the Metropolis criterion. 

89 temperature 

90 Temperature :math:`T` in appropriate units, commonly Kelvin. 

91 phis 

92 Average constraint parameters :math:`\phi_i`. The key denotes the 

93 species. For a :math:`N`-component sublattice, there should be :math:`N - 1` 

94 different :math:`\phi_i` (referred to as :math:`\bar{\phi}` 

95 in [SadErh12]_). 

96 kappa 

97 parameter that constrains the variance of the concentration 

98 (referred to as :math:`\bar{\kappa}` in [SadErh12]_) 

99 boltzmann_constant 

100 Boltzmann constant :math:`k_B` in appropriate 

101 units, i.e., units that are consistent 

102 with the underlying cluster expansion 

103 and the temperature units. Default: eV/K. 

104 user_tag 

105 Human-readable tag for ensemble. Default: ``None``. 

106 random_seed 

107 Seed for the random number generator used in the Monte Carlo simulation. 

108 dc_filename 

109 Name of file the data container associated with the ensemble 

110 will be written to. If the file exists it will be read, the 

111 data container will be appended, and the file will be 

112 updated/overwritten. 

113 data_container_write_period 

114 Period in units of seconds at which the data container is 

115 written to file. Writing periodically to file provides both 

116 a way to examine the progress of the simulation and to back up 

117 the data. Default: 600 s. 

118 ensemble_data_write_interval 

119 Interval at which data is written to the data container. This 

120 includes for example the current value of the calculator 

121 (i.e., usually the energy) as well as ensembles specific fields 

122 such as temperature or the number of atoms of different species. 

123 Default: Number of sites in the :attr:`structure`. 

124 trajectory_write_interval 

125 Interval at which the current occupation vector of the atomic 

126 configuration is written to the data container. 

127 Default: Number of sites in the :attr:`structure`. 

128 sublattice_probabilities 

129 Probability for picking a sublattice when doing a random flip. 

130 The list should be as long as the number of sublattices and should 

131 sum up to 1. 


133 Example 

134 ------- 

135 The following snippet illustrate how to carry out a simple Monte Carlo 

136 simulation in the variance-constrained semi-canonical ensemble. Here, the 

137 parameters of the cluster expansion are set to emulate a simple Ising model 

138 in order to obtain an example that can be run without modification. In 

139 practice, one should of course use a proper cluster expansion:: 


141 >>> from import bulk 

142 >>> from icet import ClusterExpansion, ClusterSpace 

143 >>> from mchammer.calculators import ClusterExpansionCalculator 


145 >>> # prepare cluster expansion 

146 >>> # the setup emulates a second nearest-neighbor (NN) Ising model 

147 >>> # (zerolet and singlet ECIs are zero; only first and second neighbor 

148 >>> # pairs are included) 

149 >>> prim = bulk('Au') 

150 >>> cs = ClusterSpace(prim, cutoffs=[4.3], chemical_symbols=['Ag', 'Au']) 

151 >>> ce = ClusterExpansion(cs, [0, 0, 0.1, -0.02]) 


153 >>> # set up and run MC simulation 

154 >>> structure = prim.repeat(3) 

155 >>> calc = ClusterExpansionCalculator(structure, ce) 

156 >>> phi = 0.6 

157 >>> mc = VCSGCEnsemble(structure=structure, calculator=calc, 

158 ... temperature=600, 

159 ... dc_filename='myrun_vcsgc.dc', 

160 ... phis={'Au': phi}, 

161 ... kappa=200) 

162 >>> # carry out 100 trial swaps 

163 """ 


165 def __init__(self, structure: Atoms, 

166 calculator: BaseCalculator, 

167 temperature: float, 

168 phis: Dict[str, float], 

169 kappa: float, 

170 boltzmann_constant: float = kB, 

171 user_tag: str = None, 

172 random_seed: int = None, 

173 dc_filename: str = None, 

174 data_container: str = None, 

175 data_container_write_period: float = 600, 

176 ensemble_data_write_interval: int = None, 

177 trajectory_write_interval: int = None, 

178 sublattice_probabilities: List[float] = None) -> None: 


180 self._ensemble_parameters = dict(temperature=temperature, 

181 kappa=kappa) 

182 self._boltzmann_constant = boltzmann_constant 


184 # Save ensemble parameters 

185 for sym, phi in phis.items(): 

186 if isinstance(sym, str): 

187 chemical_symbol = sym 

188 else: 

189 chemical_symbol = chemical_symbols[sym] 

190 phi_sym = 'phi_{}'.format(chemical_symbol) 

191 self._ensemble_parameters[phi_sym] = phi 


193 super().__init__( 

194 structure=structure, 

195 calculator=calculator, 

196 user_tag=user_tag, 

197 random_seed=random_seed, 

198 dc_filename=dc_filename, 

199 data_container=data_container, 

200 data_container_class=DataContainer, 

201 data_container_write_period=data_container_write_period, 

202 ensemble_data_write_interval=ensemble_data_write_interval, 

203 trajectory_write_interval=trajectory_write_interval, 

204 boltzmann_constant=boltzmann_constant 

205 ) 


207 # Save phis (need self.configuration to check sublattices so 

208 # we do it last) 

209 self._phis = get_phis(phis) 


211 # Check that each sublattice has N - 1 phis 

212 for sl in self.sublattices.active_sublattices: 

213 count_specified_elements = 0 

214 for number in sl.atomic_numbers: 

215 if number in self._phis.keys(): 

216 count_specified_elements += 1 

217 if count_specified_elements != len(sl.atomic_numbers) - 1: 

218 raise ValueError('phis must be set for N - 1 elements on a ' 

219 'sublattice with N species') 


221 if sublattice_probabilities is None: 221 ↛ 224line 221 didn't jump to line 224, because the condition on line 221 was never false

222 self._flip_sublattice_probabilities = self._get_flip_sublattice_probabilities() 

223 else: 

224 self._flip_sublattice_probabilities = sublattice_probabilities 


226 def _do_trial_step(self): 

227 """ Carries out one Monte Carlo trial step. """ 

228 sublattice_index = self.get_random_sublattice_index( 

229 probability_distribution=self._flip_sublattice_probabilities) 

230 return self.do_vcsgc_flip( 

231 phis=self.phis, kappa=self.kappa, sublattice_index=sublattice_index) 


233 @property 

234 def temperature(self) -> float: 

235 """ Temperature :math:`T` (see parameters section above). """ 

236 return self.ensemble_parameters['temperature'] 


238 @property 

239 def phis(self) -> Dict[int, float]: 

240 r""" 

241 Average constraint parameters :math:`\phi_i` for all species but one 

242 (referred to as :math:`\bar{\phi}` in [SadErh12]_). 

243 """ 

244 return self._phis 


246 @property 

247 def kappa(self) -> float: 

248 r""" 

249 Variance constraint parameter :math:`\bar{\kappa}` (see parameters section above). 

250 """ 

251 return self.ensemble_parameters['kappa'] 


253 def _get_ensemble_data(self) -> Dict: 

254 """ 

255 Returns a dict with the default data of the ensemble. This includes 

256 atom counts and free energy derivative. 

257 """ 

258 data = super()._get_ensemble_data() 


260 # free energy derivative 

261 data.update(self._get_vcsgc_free_energy_derivatives(self.phis, self.kappa)) 


263 # species counts 

264 data.update(self._get_species_counts()) 


266 return data 



269def get_phis(phis: Union[Dict[int, float], Dict[str, float]]) -> Dict[int, float]: 

270 """Get phis as used in the VCSGC ensemble. 


272 Parameters 

273 ---------- 

274 phis 

275 phis that will be transformed to the format used by the ensemble. 

276 """ 

277 if not isinstance(phis, dict): 

278 raise TypeError(f'phis has the wrong type: {type(phis)}') 


280 # Translate to atomic numbers if necessary 

281 phis_ret = {} 

282 for key, phi in phis.items(): 

283 if isinstance(key, str): 

284 atomic_number = atomic_numbers[key] 

285 phis_ret[atomic_number] = phi 

286 elif isinstance(key, int): 286 ↛ 282line 286 didn't jump to line 282, because the condition on line 286 was never false

287 phis_ret[key] = phi 


289 return phis_ret